Working With Student Support and Well-being
When We Can Help
- You are feeling distressed and you are not sure where to get help.
- It feels like life outside of classes is getting too difficult.
- You are returning to the University after a Leave of Absence or a difficult life circumstance and you need assistance transitioning back into college life.
- You are experiencing a significant health or emotional issue and need guidance on where to get help.
- You need help navigating Saint Joseph's to access the resources you might need.
Following an emergency or serious personal incident, Student Outreach & Support can:
- Serve as the point of contact and help to coordinate and disseminate information to key University partners, family, and community members as appropriate.
- Provide case management and collaborative follow-up services.
- Support the individual needs of students following a serious incident, including referrals to other campus or community resources.
Case Management
- Point of contact for students and their families when dealing with a significant personal incident
- Assist students in accessing resources or navigating university systems
- Training students on how to approach a friend in need
Wellness, Alcohol & Drug Education Program (WADE)
- Provides assessment & education related to alcohol, drugs, and wellness topics
- Refers and connects students to on- and off-campus supports related to alcohol and drug related issues, including working with students in recovery
- Peer Education Program - Student Leaders that present educational programs on topics related to Alcohol, Drugs, Healthy Relationships and other wellness related issues.
Student Support & Well-being is not a confidential resource. However, all of your information will remain private as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Student Support & Well-being will only share information with relevant individuals on a need-to-know basis.
In an effort to successfully coordinate services for a student, some information may be shared with other University offices or campus resources to provide the most appropriate assistance for that student.
In some situations, a written release may be signed by the student, so that Student Support & Well-being an share additional information.