President's Cabinet

Jill Bodensteiner JD, MBA

Jill R. Bodensteiner, JD, MBA

Vice President and Director of Athletics

Jill D. Cleary '23 (EdD)

Jill D. Cleary, BS ’00, EdD ’23

Vice President of Administration and Operations

Lauren Goldsmith

Lauren Goldsmith, BS ’10, MBA ’17, CPA

Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Rev. Daniel Joyce SJ

Rev. Daniel R.J. Joyce, S.J., BA ’88

Vice President, Mission and Ministry

Joseph P. Kender

Joseph P. Kender, MBA

Senior Vice President, University Relations

Headshot of Jean McGivney-Burelle

Jean McGivney-Burelle, PhD

Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs

Allyson M. Mullin, MBA, PHR, SHRM-CP

Allyson M. Mullin, MBA, PHR, SHRM-CP

Vice President, Human Resources

Tracey Pachman

Tracey S. Pachman, JD

Senior Vice President and General Counsel

Photo of Ross Radish, JD

Ross W. Radish, JD

Vice President, Student Life and Dean of Students

Liz Kennedy Walsh as the University’s senior vice president of enrollment management, marketing and communications

Liz Kennedy Walsh, MA

Senior Vice President, Enrollment Management, Marketing and Communications

Headshot of Kiersten White standing outside

Kiersten N. White, BS ’03, MS ’06, EdD ’13

Chief of Staff