Leadership and Administration
Saint Joseph's University is led by a group of experienced, passionate individuals dedicated to cultivating a culture of inclusivity, engaged citizenship and personal excellence. Operating under the guidance of President Cheryl McConnell, Saint Joseph’s leadership team works to create ambitious and innovative plans for the future of the University.

University Report
The publication of our annual University Report gives us the opportunity to contemplate the past year, celebrate achievements and express gratitude.

Strategic Initiatives
The University's Strategic Plan, Thinking Anew, Acting Anew, reflects the context of our times, our community's commitment and our overall aspirations. We are fortunate to approach this process and propel these initiatives from a position of strength.
Our Path Forward

The launch of this campaign will allow St. Joe's to emerge even stronger because the world needs more of what Saint Joseph’s University has to offer.

In line with our ambitious strategic plan, we are embarking on a bold, aspirational Campus Master Plan that aims to modernize and unify the campus, upgrade our facilities, and ultimately create a world-class student experience.

Saint Joseph's vision is supported and guided by a dedicated group of alumni, parents, business leaders and innovators who make up our Board of Trustees.