Explore Other Degree Programs

Become a skilled physical therapy practitioner and earn a wealth of clinical experience while graduating in 5 1/2 years through Saint Joseph’s direct entry physical therapy program. Enter as a first-year undergraduate or transfer student to earn a bachelor’s in exercise physiology or health science and continue on to your DPT without having to reapply.

The Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) program is designed for individuals with a bachelor’s degree who seek to become a registered occupational therapist. Through this program, you will learn how to help patients overcome physical, sensory or cognitive obstacles and will make a meaningful impact on patient care.

Master the skills and expertise required to practice as an occupational therapist through Saint Joseph’s accelerated occupational therapy program. Enter the program as a first-year undergraduate student to earn a BS in health science (BSHS) and Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) in just 5.5 years.