PCP Gallery interior, Griffith Hall

About the Exhibition

Nestled within the historical confines of Griffith Hall–built in the 1920s and renowned as the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy’s oldest occupied edifice–lies the Marvin Samson Museum’s one thousand square foot gallery space. Characterized by the late 19th century Bohlander Pharmacy cabinets lining its walls, the gallery offers visitors an immersive experience of the region’s pharmaceutical heritage. Crafted between 1894 and 1900 by M.A. Heimann and Company, the beautifully fashioned wood and glass pharmacy fixtures reflect a timeless pairing of elegance and functionality. Following his retirement in 1975, George Bohlander bestowed the entire ensemble of furniture from his own pharmacy to the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. The restoration and installation of the historical cabinetry was enabled through Marvin Samson’s generous benefaction.


On view

Pharmacy ledger

Currently on view

Currently on view

Selections from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy Permanent Collection

Herbs of Heritage: Ethnobotany in Irish Folklore

Pharmacy museum entryway

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Past exhibition, 2023

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