Dimensions of Health and Well-Being

At Saint Joseph’s, we embrace the Jesuit ideal of “care for the whole person.” This means that we recognize you are a multidimensional individual and all aspects of your life are equally worthy of care, development and attention. To help support you as a “whole person,” we embrace nine dimensions of well-being:
- Physical
- Emotional
- Intellectual
- Occupational
- Social
- Cultural
- Environmental
- Spiritual
- Financial
Each dimension affects the others and contributes to our health, happiness and quality of life. As we strive to care for ourselves and others as a “whole person,” focusing on and understanding the nine dimensions of well-being is essential. There are many activities, offices and services at Saint Joseph’s that can help you to reflect on your well-being and develop strategies to make healthy choices that will contribute to a well-balanced experience during your college years and beyond.
To continue to learn more about the nine dimensions of well-being, including activities, events and services on campus and in the community, we encourage you to sign up to receive “The Thriving Times” monthly well-being newsletter.

Physical well-being involves all of the activities necessary to keep your body in top condition. It includes participating in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, making positive choices and avoiding harmful habits.

Emotional well-being involves the awareness, understanding and acceptance of a wide range of emotions in ourselves and others. Emotional well-being recognizes that challenge, stress and conflict are unavoidable, yet we can meet these challenges with optimism, and learn and grow from them.

Intellectual well-being encourages the pursuit of creative and mentally stimulating activities, whether formally in the classroom or informally, as you explore the world and pursue your personal interests. Intellectual well-being recognizes the importance of cultivating a love for learning and taking a lifelong interest in expanding one's knowledge and developing new skills.

Occupational well-being recognizes the personal satisfaction and life enrichment that we receive through meaningful work. It involves exploring career options and choosing a career path that fuels your passion and provides you with a sense of purpose.

Social well-being recognizes the importance of cultivating healthy, nurturing, supportive relationships, and fostering connection and a sense of belonging in your community. Maintaining your social well-being involves becoming actively involved on campus and working to build a community that is friendly, supportive and inclusive.

Cultural well-being recognizes the importance of feeling connected to our cultural heritage and defining our identity and place in our community and in the world. Cultural well-being also involves learning about and appreciating the diversity of cultures in our community and celebrating the richness that this diversity brings to our experiences.

Environmental well-being recognizes the innate connection between ourselves and our environment, and encourages us to live in a manner that is appreciative of nature and respectful of the Earth. Environmental well-being may include spending time outdoors connecting with nature, developing environmentally friendly habits, as well as caring for our personal spaces.

Spiritual well-being recognizes our search for meaning in purpose and a connection to something bigger than ourselves. For some, this includes religious or spiritual practices, while for others it consists of contemplating and discovering personal meaning and values.

Financial well-being involves cultivating a positive relationship with money and developing the knowledge and skills necessary to make sound financial decisions. It includes managing day-to-day expenses while also working toward long-term savings goals and aligning budgeting decisions with personal values and priorities.