Applications for the Class of 2029 are due on February 1, 2025.
McNulty Program
McNulty Scholars receive a 4-year, full-tuition scholarship, provided they:
Remain a full-time student at Saint Joseph’s University
Continue in an academic major supported by the McNulty Program (one of the natural sciences, mathematics or computer science)
Maintain a 3.2 GPA for each year of enrollment
Submit a reapplication to the Program yearly
All McNulty Scholars will benefit from ongoing faculty mentoring, research and internships opportunities, and professional and leadership development.
Applications for the 2025-26 school year are now closed.
First-year female or female-identifying student who has applied for admission to Saint Joseph’s University (either Early Action, Early Decision or Regular Decision) for the Fall of 2025. Please note: You do not need to be admitted to SJU before you apply to the McNulty Program.
Must be interested in majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Biochemistry, Biomedical Science, Chemical Biology, Data Science, Environmental Science, Information Technology or Neuroscience.
Should have a minimum of a 3.5 cumulative high school grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
For the 2024-25 application cycle, the submission of standardized test scores is optional.
How to Apply
Application Deadline is February 1, 2025.
Applicants must have already applied to Saint Joseph's University for admission, and use their email address and assigned password for access to this (and all) scholarship applications
Online Application includes current resume and essay
Letter of recommendation from a science or math teacher
Should address the applicant’s specific qualifications for the McNulty Scholarship
Should be submitted (PDF preferred) by February 1, 2025, directly to the McNulty Program Manager by email to
Selection Process
18 finalists will be invited for an on-campus visit and interview with the Faculty Selection Committee on March 21-22, 2025
Six finalists will be awarded 4-year, full-tuition scholarships
Scholarship recipients will be notified by letter by April 1, 2025.
Letters of recommendation and questions pertaining to the scholarship should be addressed to:
Ms. Shani Nuckols McNulty Program Manager Saint Joseph’s University 5600 City Avenue, Science Center Room 107-D Philadelphia, PA 19131 (610) 660-1825 /