Other Health Requirements
PharmD, MOT, DrOT, DPT, & PA Students
- Submit a complete Health Packet to the Student Health Portal by August 1st for Fall semester, December 1st for Spring semester, and May 1st for Summer semester.
- PharmD, MOT, DrOT, DPT, & PA students will receive information about additional, program specific health requirements when the professional phase of your education begins.
- Undergraduate students who have already obtained these (Hepatitis B titer results, MMR titer results, booster vaccines, etc.) should retain these records for future use. Please do not upload Hepatitis B/ MMR titer results or booster proof to the Student Health Portal. Your program has its own Clinical Portal for you to utilize during the professional phase.
Questions? Contact Dr. Siebert at bsiebert@sju.edu
- PharmD, MOT, DrOT, DPT, & PA students will receive information about program specific health requirements. Upload these requirements to your program’s Clinical Portal (EXXACT/ CORE) only.
- Upload Hepatitis B and MMR titer results, and if indicated, proof of Hepatitis B and/or MMR booster vaccination(s), and other program specific health documentation to your program’s Clinical Portal (EXXACT/ CORE) only.
Questions? Contact Dr. Siebert at bsiebert@sju.edu
Nursing & Clinical and/or Experiential Learning Program Students
Students enrolled in the nursing, clinical and/or experiential learning programs should refer to their specific programs and clinical site coordinators to ensure they have met any additional program health requirements and have submitted those requirements to the appropriate program office/portal.
Important Note:
Failure to meet specific vaccination requirements of a clinical or experiential learning site may delay program completion.