About the Office of Title IX and Equity Compliance
Saint Joseph’s University is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment for all members of the University community. The Office of Title IX and Equity Compliance has primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local laws and University policies, processes, and protocols related to all forms of harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, gender and interpersonal violence, retaliation and hazing.
The Director of the Office of Title IX and Equity Compliance oversees the quality and consistency of related University-wide prevention, education, training and outreach, serving as Intake Officer under the University’s policies regarding prohibited discrimination and harassment, bias and sexual misconduct. The Director collaborates with key stakeholders and University leadership to identify and address systemic challenges and support a positive climate around compliance with these requirements, policies and procedures.
To contact our office, please email Rachel Becker at titleix@sju.edu or rbecker@sju.edu. You can also schedule a meeting with Rachel through Starfish or call her at 610-660-1145. The Office of Title IX & Equity Compliance is located on Saint Joseph's Hawk Hill Campus in the Campion Student Center, Suite 247.
Contact Our Office
Interim Director of the Office of Title IX and Equity Compliance