Community Standards Student Handbook
The Office of Community Standards supports the University’s Catholic and Jesuit mission through the education and administration of policies and expectations designed to promote a safe, respectful, inclusive, and welcoming environment, in which all students can learn, grow, and become moral leaders in their communities. The Office of Community Standards encourages all students to reflect on what it means to be a Hawk, on and off campus, and understand the impact and harm their individual decisions and actions can have on others. As an entity within the Office of Community Standards, Off Campus Student Life is dedicated to providing a positive quality of life in the community for off campus students and community members, through support, outreach, and accountability.
Sections included in the Overview are:
Process Overview
- How does the Community Standards Process Begin?
- Can the University Impose Interim Remedial Measures?
- Withdrawl During Community Standards Process
- What is the Community Standards Process?
- Serving as an Alternative Resolution or Administrative Hearing Officer
- What is the Community Standards Board?
- How Can a Respondent Accept Responsibility & Sanction(s) Without a Hearing?