Early Arrival Programs (for first year students)
Early Arrival Program Registration Form
Registration for the Class of 2029 will open on Monday, April 14th at 12pm noon.
Early Arrival Programs (EAPs) are a great way to get comfortable with Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, and your fellow classmates in the days before the fall semester begins. The benefits of these programs include moving into your own room a few days early (if a residential student), learning how to navigate campus, and making friends before the first day of classes.
Early Arrival Programs take place during the week prior to the start of classes in the fall semester. They are open to both residential and commuter students at Hawk Hill.
If you have any questions about a specific program, please contact the point person for each program below.
Programs Beginning on Tuesday, August 19th 2025:
Programs Beginning on Wednesday, August 20th 2025:
The Biology Experience Aimed at Growth, Learning and Excellence (B.E.A.G.L.E.) program is a four-day intensive for incoming freshman biology, chemical biology and environmental science majors at Saint Joseph’s. This intensive program is designed to help students make the transition to college-level academics, develop effective study skills, understand the pace and rigor of college-level science courses and meet current faculty and upper-class students.
For more information, please contact Shaan Bhatt, Ph.D., at sbhatt@sju.edu.
The Philadelphia Service Immersion Program (PSIP) is a four-day optional early move-in experience. Students in this program participate in community service, visit historic and cultural destinations in the Philadelphia area and reflect on their purpose while expanding their horizons through intellectual discovery and urban exploration.
For more information, please email sjupsip@gmail.com.
Running Start
Running Start is a transitional program that utilizes workshops, seminars and activities to support traditionally underrepresented students' acclimation to college. This group may include students of color, first-generation college students or those that come from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Running Start provides support and programming throughout the academic year.
For more information, please contact Natalie Walker Brown, M.S., at nwalker@sju.edu or runningstart@sju.edu.
The AIM Program is a multi-day experience that serves as an extended orientation for incoming students as they make the transition from high school to college and begin to form a sense of belonging in their new environment. The program allows students to move into their residence halls early, explore campus before classes begin, and participate in various social activities and success seminars to help with both the academic and social acclimation to SJU.
For more information, please contact Jill O'Neill '19, at joneill@sju.edu.
RISE is a three-day early arrival program for first and second year students offered by Student Leadership & Activities. The program focuses on leadership building and team dynamics that allows students to discover the leader that they want to become on Saint Joseph's campus. During the three days students will be taken off campus where they will participate in team building activities that allow students to establish support and collaborative skills including water activities, rope courses, and ziplines. Students will be able to participate in Hawk Talks on navigating self-leadership and define what kind of leader they want to be.
For more information, please contact Alannah Vazquez at avazquez@sju.edu.
THRIVE is a three day Early Arrival Program for first-year students that focuses on health and well-being. The Thrive experience includes workshops, events and activities focused on the nine dimensions of well-being (physical, emotional, intellectual, occupational, social, cultural, environmental, spiritual, and financial). Students will also participate in a variety of social events and excursions into the city. Through the leadership of SJU's Health & Well-being team and our upperclassmen "THRIVE HIVE" peer mentors, participants will get a head start on creating a healthy college lifestyle!
For more information, please email THRIVE@sju.edu.