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Incoming Students, Families Invited to Orientation 2022

This year, Saint Joseph’s orientation week will host incoming students and families to familiarize them with life on campus, their chosen majors and what it means to be a Hawk.

Orientation leaders in red shirts standing in a circle shouting

Written by: Emmalee Eckstein

Published: June 9, 2022

Total reading time: 3 minutes

Incoming Saint Joseph’s students from University City and Hawk Hill will spend this year’s orientation in joint sessions from June 23-28.

“This year marks history for incoming students at SJU,” says Michael “Mac” Castellano ’23, orientation coordinator and actuarial science and economics double major. “Our University has grown and become more diverse since the merger, and students are going to be able to use orientation as a way to connect and relate in a different way than ever before.”

Each orientation day will begin at the Bluett Theatre with a kick-off event where incoming students will start their day breaking into groups made up of students from all four of the University’s colleges and schools. As the groups make their way through the orientation day together, students become better acquainted with each other and begin familiarizing themselves with the community around them.

Then, students will head to their respective faculty advising sessions, where they will learn more about their chosen major and how to complete their course registration for the upcoming semester.

Afterwards, students will rejoin their groups to attend identity workshops, college life conversations with current Hawks and field games where they can meet new friends.

“The entire orientation crew is so excited to welcome each participant into their groups and help them feel how special our community is,” says Patrick “PJ” O’Hara ’24, orientation captain and risk management and insurance major. “Orientation is such an exciting way to kick off their college experience.”

The entire orientation crew is so excited to welcome each participant into their groups and help them feel how special our community is.

Patrick "PJ" O'Hara '24, orientation captain

But incoming students aren’t the only ones who get to join in on the fun — family members are also invited to join in on orientation programming. To begin, parents and guardians are invited to hear welcoming remarks from Cheryl McConnell, PhD, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, and Cary Anderson, PhD, VP of student life and associate provost. Then, there is a whole day packed with programming focused on applying for financial aid, the ins and outs of campus life, student wellbeing and life at Saint Joseph’s as a commuter. Families are invited to end their day at Saint Joseph’s with a special reception on the Maguire-Wolfington lawn.

In the afternoon, there will also be an opportunity for all incoming students and their families to participate in an Ignatian Examen and interfaith blessing at the Chapel of St. Joseph. On June 26 and 28, incoming students and families are also welcome to take tours of Saint Joseph’s University City location in the evening.

“We’re so excited to have all our students together during orientation,” says Beth Hagovsky, EdD, director of student leadership and activities at Saint Joseph’s. “The sessions we have planned are going to be a great way for students and families to get an idea of what life is like at St. Joe’s and how to be successful here.”

Learn more about orientation week here.