Dedication Poem, Dr. C. Kevin Gillespie, S.J., 27th President of Saint Joseph’s University
"O God of the Covenant
We gather here at Saint Joseph's University to mark
an auspicious occasion of a symbolic creation.
In celebrating Nostra Aetate, the document
promulgated at the Second Vatican Council fifty years ago,
we recognize that this document has led to greater understanding and partnership
among Christians and Jews.As blessed believers of the covenantal promise of your presence,
first witnessed by Abram and Sarai,
we share a Semitic spirituality as a common fountain of faith,
in believing that all women and men are made in your image and likeness.
We have collaborated to ensure that all persons are worthy of dignity and respect
and are not subject to religious discrimination or prejudice.O loving God, we ask blessings upon all those assembled today,
on all those who in the future will be invited to gaze and remember,
and upon all those who contributed generously to make this occasion happen,
especially Joshua Koffman, whose imaginative and sturdy hands brought forth,
'Synagoga and Ecclesia in Our Time.'May his creation serve as an educational instrument,
both historical and spiritual, for all members of this university,
who from this day forward are invited to look, listen, and learn.Divine Creator, in dedicating this statue
we ask that it become a spiritual force,
suggesting to us
the beauty of human dignity and equality,
speaking to us
of the great strides of our partnership united under
in a shared belief in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
and shouting to us
to go forth in friendship to further dialogues that will lead to even greater
partnership among Christians and their brothers and sisters in faith.So dedicated, may 'Synagoga and Ecclesia in Our Time.'
inspire us to be so committed,
For your greater glory. Amen."