
Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations

"Synagoga and Ecclesia in Our Time" by Joshua Koffman depicts the Institute's mission as Church and Synagogue enjoying the study of their sacred texts together. Pope Francis visited the SJU campus in 2015 to bless the sculpture and that mission. [Learn More]

The Story of the Institute

Deepening understanding between Jews and Catholics through shared study since 1967

In 1965, the Second Vatican Council in its declaration Nostra Aetate ("In Our Time") called—for the first time in history—upon Catholics and Jews to join in “biblical and theological inquiry … and friendly discussions.” Believing that rapprochement between Jews and Catholics was integral to the Catholic and Jesuit identity of Saint Joseph's, the Jesuit community founded the Institute, the first such American response to the Council. They defined the Institute's mission as increasing knowledge and deepening understanding between the two communities. The Institute today is directed by a Jewish professor and a Catholic professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies. They regularly team-teach and partner nationally and globally to research Jewish and Christian reconciliation and reform. They promote opportunities for Christians and Jews to be study partners, teaching and learning about themselves and each other by studying and experiencing together texts, rituals, events, and places.


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J. Pro & M. Dunne

Two SJU students appointed by the US Bishops' Conference to an interfaith Jewish & Catholic young adult dialogue

Two SJU students appointed by the US Bishops' Conference to an interfaith Jewish & Catholic young adult dialogue

SJU's 2024 University Report: two students participate in a national Catholic-Jewish dialogue.

Synagoga and Ecclesia in Munster

SJU sculpture inspires Jews and Catholics in Münster, Germany

SJU sculpture inspires Jews and Catholics in Münster, Germany

The Church of St. Lambert and the Jewish community of Münster recently drew upon the SJU artwork to produce a video to correct anti-Jewish images of Synagogue and Church put on the church in 1911. 

Institute Co-Directors

Directors' Recent Publications


Jews and Catholics at memorial service

Detailed academic article published on IJCR's survey of US Catholics on Jews and Judaism

Detailed academic article published on IJCR's survey of US Catholics on Jews and Judaism

A detailed article on a first-ever survey of U.S. Catholics about Jews and Judaism and its implications for Catholic religious education is now available in Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations.  

Middle East from Space

Resource: IJCR Norms for Middle East Programming

Resource: IJCR Norms for Middle East Programming

In 2011, the IJCR Board of Directors approved these principles based on the missions of SJU and the IJCR when treating subjects about conflicts in the Middle East. 



Dr. David Freidenreich

How Christians Imagined Muslims as the Enemy—Just Like Jews

How Christians Imagined Muslims as the Enemy—Just Like Jews

Dr. David M. Freidenreich uncovers the hidden history of Christian Islamophobia and its surprising connections to long-standing hatred of Jews.

Rev. Russ McDougall, C.S.C.

The Middle East from a Catholic Perspective

The Middle East from a Catholic Perspective

Rev. Russ McDougall of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops surveys the present Middle East situation from the viewpoint of the Catholic Church.

Prof. Ilan Troen

Understanding Multiple Narratives about Israel/Palestine

Understanding Multiple Narratives about Israel/Palestine

Prof. Ilan Troen examines the intersection of religious traditions and secularity as a lens through which to view how the present warfare in the Middle East came to be.

International Collaborations

International Collaborations


Encyclopedia of Jewish-Christian Relations

Encyclopedia of Jewish-Christian Relations

Dr. Cunningham is an advisory board member for this project. He and Dr. Gregerman have been interviewed about authoring articles in it HERE 

Enabling Dialogue about the Land cover

Enabling Dialogue about the Land

Enabling Dialogue about the Land

The IJCR was a university sponsor of a research project of the International Council of Christians and Jews, leading to a resource book on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by Paulist Press 

Richard Neave: Forensic reconstruction of 1st-century Jewish face

The Importance of Jesus' Jewish Identity for Christians and for Jews Today

The Importance of Jesus' Jewish Identity for Christians and for Jews Today

IJCR is a cosponsor of the research project, "Christ Jesus the Jew: The Importance of His Jewish Identity for Christians and for Jews Today." (Image: R. Neave: reconstruction of a 1st-century Jewish face.)

Collaborative Resources

  • The Institute is a founding member of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR), a network of centers and institutes in the United States and Canada. The Council publishes the peer-reviewed, open-access online journal Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations.

  • The Institute cosponsors with the CCJR a library of resources in Catholic-Jewish relations called Dialogika ("things of dialogue"). The library provides documents from Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and interfaith bodies, educational resources and texts from the history of Catholic-Jewish relations.

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