Faith-Justice Institute
Founded in 1977, the Faith-Justice Institute explores contemporary issues of faith and justice by promoting social analysis and critical thought.
The Faith-Justice Institute explores contemporary issues of faith and justice through academic courses, public forums and experiential field seminars. These initiatives seek to critically analyze the sources of and reasons for injustice and to actively fashion more just communities at local, national and international levels. Such efforts should be rooted in a spirituality that takes seriously the world as it unjustly exists and that fosters hope and commitment to keep working to reshape that world in the light of Gospel values.

Service-learning is a form of experience-based education where students engage in service as part of their academic course work. It is believed that doing service work can help students better understand the abstract concepts presented in their classes. Likewise, the ideas learned in class can help students make sense of the human and social problems they encounter through their service work.

Faith-Justice Studies Program
The Faith-Justice Studies program is an interdisciplinary, self-designed curriculum that enables students to integrate their major area of study with inquiries into faith and social justice issues. Faith-Justices Studies courses are open to students of all majors.

Klein Series
The Joseph William and Madeline Eberle Klein Fund was established for the explicit purpose of supporting educational events (including courses, programs, lectures, and the like) and materials specifically directed toward greater inclusion in the Roman Catholic Church of those groups of persons currently disaffected from it including, but not limited to the LGBTQ community, or gender, racial or political minorities.
Initiatives and Partnerships

Community Partnerships
Community Partnerships
Saint Joseph’s service-learning community partnerships offer students the opportunity to understand systemic injustices by developing appropriate relationships through service.

Faith-Justice Institute Impact
Faith-Justice Institute Impact
Our staff is dedicated to working with students, faculty and community partners to design and engage in transformative education for a faith that promotes justice.

Newman Civic Fellowship
Newman Civic Fellowship
The Newman Civic Fellowship recognizes students who take collaborative action to find solutions within their university’s community by providing training and resources for those involved.