COVID-19 & Residence Life FAQs: Fall 2023
Vaccination Reminder
Please assist Saint Joseph's University in keeping our campus community safe from COVID-19: get vaccinated. Boosters are highly encouraged.
Our housekeeping partner, ABM, has adjusted its cleaning practices and products to comply with current CDC recommendations. In the residence halls, common bathrooms in first-year suites and corridor hallways are cleaned professionally at least once per weekday and are monitored regularly and throughout the weekends. We encourage students to supplement this scheduled cleaning to meet their own needs. As always, students are required to clean their own bedrooms, apartments and apartment bathrooms, in collaboration with their roommate(s).
Yes. Lounges and common spaces have been returned to standard occupancy and use.
Yes! Students are able to host SJU and non-SJU guests in accordance with the Guest Policy and Procedures. Guests must be 18 years of age or older.
The University continues to utilize CDC guidance, local Pennsylvania and Philadelphia guidance, and our extensive experience managing COVID-19 to develop isolation plans for residential students. Isolation needs are highly specific to a student’s unique situation; as such, our Student Health Center will continue to develop individualized plans for impacted students. In general, students who experience symptoms related to COVID-19 should seek medical care and/or testing. Students who test positive for COVID-19 will need to isolate for the recommended isolation period. Students who live within 200 miles of the University are encouraged to isolate at their permanent address if possible. Students living outside of this radius, or unable to isolate at home, may isolate in place in their residence hall room.
Residential students who have tested positive will need to isolate. Students whose primary address is within 200 miles of SJU are encouraged to return home to complete their isolation if possible. Students living outside this 200 miles radius, or unable to isolate at home, will be permitted to isolate in place in their residence hall room. These students should wear masks, and work with roommates to manage space. These students are encouraged to have meals delivered, work with friends to deliver meals from campus dining, or fully mask and quickly access campus dining for grab-and-go food options.
The Office of Residence Life is staffed weekdays from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. and our staff is available to assist with any questions or concerns. Students can call us directly (see our website for staff contact information) or schedule an appointment with their Residential Area Manager by searching for them in Starfish.
Yes. The Office of Residence Life is not informed about the vaccination status of individual residential students, and we are not able to use this information in our housing assignments. Students are expected to discuss concerns and expectations about vaccinations with their roommate(s). In cases of extreme need, the Office of Residence Life may be able to assist with relocation. Please contact our office to discuss.