Identity Abroad
General Diversity Resources
- Diversity Abroad: The leading global education organization which targets students from underrepresented backgrounds for international education opportunities, creating a portal that provides information, tips, and benefits for students looking to study internationally.
- This site offers resources addressing funding opportunities, study abroad and career development, reasons to study abroad, and information on diversity and discrimination abroad.
- IES Abroad Student Diversity & Access Resources: Diversity resources specifically for IES programs, including past student perspectives, scholarship opportunities, a student guide, country-specific resources, and contact information for the IES Diversity Coordinator.
Race & Ethnicity
You may not be considered an ethnic or religious majority in the United States, but by going abroad you may become a minority. In some cases, your outward appearance can also make you stand out, especially if the country’s population is very homogeneous. Sometimes the locals’ curiosity, interest, ignorance, or misunderstanding of you can be unpleasant. They may ask what you consider insensitive questions about your cultural heritage, physical features, or national origins. There may even be people who are eager to touch your hair or skin. (This is especially true with children.)
If you find yourself in such a situation, try to distinguish between a person who is genuinely curious about you and your culture and someone who has bad intentions. If a comment or action offends you, try to be tactful with your response, or if you are very upset, leave the situation. Always remember to put your safety first.
- How is my ethnic group perceived in my host country? What kinds of stereotypes are there?
- Am I used to being a part of the majority at home but will be a minority abroad? Or vice versa?
- Will there be other minority students in my program?
- How should/will I react if something offends me?
- Who will I contact if I face discriminatory incidents?
- Read about your host country’s racial and ethnic history, as well as their current attitudes towards people of different ethnicities. You might also want to research the topic of immigration, depending on your destination.
- Be aware that people may generalize or incorrectly identify your ethnicity.
- Talk to other students who have studied abroad, particularly if you are a student of color. Learn more about their experiences and ask for their advice.
- The more you integrate with the culture of your host country, the less you’ll stand out. But your skin, hair, or other features may still attract attention.
- Build a support network among other study abroad students so that if you do face racial or discriminatory incidents, you’ll have support to deal with it.
- Be prepared if an incident does arise, but don’t go abroad expecting racism or discrimination.
- All Abroad: Articles on the differing experiences of discrimination abroad for Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latinx, and Native American students.
- IES Abroad: Race, Ethnicity and Nationality Resources: Student stories, articles, videos and resources for Black, Asian, Latinx, Native American and international students, as well as anti-racism and allyship resources.
- The PLATO Project: Supporting Diversity in Study Abroad: Articles and resources for Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latinx and Native American students.
LGBTQIA+ Students
Studying abroad as part of the LGBTQ+ community is a great way to gain a new educational perspective and also expand awareness, understanding, and acceptance of LGBTQ+ issues in a global context. It can also present some unique challenges. If you are contemplating study abroad as an LGBTQ+ student, here are some things to consider:
Attitudes and tolerance toward those in the LGBTQ+ community vary from country to country, just as they vary among U.S. cities and states. Some countries offer many legal protections to those who identify as LGBTQ+, while other countries criminalize same-sex acts and relationships.
No matter where you go, you will encounter different ideologies and may find yourself having to adapt to different customs while you are abroad. Some students find it is necessary to hide their sexual orientation for safety reasons, while others feel free to express their sexual identity openly. Each student’s experience will be unique and personal, but we strongly suggest that all LGBTQ+ students going abroad research the attitudes, customs, and laws of their host country to help them prepare for some of the potential challenges and to be informed travelers. The internet is generally a good place to start (and we provide some web resources below), but LGBTQ+ travel guides can also provide excellent country-by-country advice.
Here are some questions to look into before beginning an application for study abroad:
- What are the laws and policies regarding homosexuality and gender identity in my host country?
- Is it safe for me to be out when I’m abroad? Will I be able to come out to my peers and/or host family?
- What are the cultural norms for dating and relationships?
- What is the LGBTQ+ population like in my host country? How visible and large is it? How do they dress, behave, etc.?
- What kinds of LGBTQ+ resources are there in my host country?
A CIP staff member can discuss these questions with you and help you find the answers, but you can also conduct your own research using the resources listed at the bottom of this section. It’s also good to know that the CIP is proud to partner with some program providers who are considered leaders in offering safe and inclusive study abroad programs and that have all kinds of resources (country-specific articles, blogs, videos, etc.) and scholarship opportunities for LGBTQ+ students!
After learning about the cultural and legal expectations of your host country, think about how you might act while abroad.
- Will you be “out” to your program’s staff? Your classmates? People you meet in the country?
- Will you need any special accommodations while abroad? (Accommodations cannot be guaranteed, and it is recommended that you request them well in advance of your program’s start date.)
- If there are safety issues for LGBTQ+ people, will you alter your behavior?
- If your destination is a country that is accepting of LGBTQ+ people, will you explore the local LGBTQ+ culture?
Even if you choose an LGBTQ+-friendly destination, you might still encounter people who are not accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. During challenging times, you should seek out support from friends and family back home and try to keep in mind all the benefits that a study abroad experience has to offer. We also suggest connecting with LGBTQ+ advocacy groups and other resources in your host country so that you have an on-site support system in place. Of course, the CIP staff is always available for students as well!
The Department of State has indicated that some transgender travelers have reported difficulties entering a country on a passport bearing a name and photo that no longer correspond to their gender identity:
- To change your name only, see Change or Correct a Passport
- To update the sex marker on your passport, see the Change of Sex Marker page
- NAFSA Rainbow SIG: U.S. Students Abroad: Information on special considerations LGBTQ students may have when selecting a program and preparing to go abroad. Country-specific information and LGBTQ study abroad scholarship opportunities are also listed.
- ILGA: International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association: This is an international website that gives the laws, mood, and recent news about LGBTQ issues in any given country. Click on your country of choice and see what legislation exists regarding LGBTQ issues.
- U.S. Department of State LGBTQ I Travel Information
- National Center for Transgender Equality | Travel
- GoAbroad LGBTQI Student Guide to Study Abroad
- IFSA-Butler’s “Unpacked: Student Stories”
- IES Abroad LGBTQ+ and Ally Resources: students stories, articles, and resources for LGBTQ+ students traveling abroad, as well as ally resources
Students with Documented Disabilities
If you have a documented learning, physical, or psychological disability, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services immediately after you receive your approval notification from the Center for International Programs. The Director of SJU’s Office of Student Disability Services will then follow established protocols, which include obtaining appropriate documentation from your provider and consulting with you, the CIP, and, if needed, with the program provider to discuss what types of reasonable accommodations might be available to you while participating in any University-sponsored travel abroad program. With advanced planning and plenty of vigilance, your trip abroad can be safe and enjoyable!
Resources for Students with a Documented Disability:
- The SJU Office of Student Disability Services
- Mobility International USA: A non-profit organization serving people with a broad range of disabilities; website includes travel tips, country accessibility information, student testimonials, funding information, and program suggestions.
- The U.S. Department of State’s comprehensive webpage for students with disabilities.
- Transitions Abroad: Disability Travel: A collection of first-hand articles, websites, and agencies by this award-winning, respected travel magazine.
- Exploring the World: A resource for students using wheelchairs, including considerations for transportation and more.
First-Generation Students
For students who are among the first in their family to attend college, it can be a challenge to figure out the ins and outs of navigating the university systems. Since going to college is a big step in itself, the idea of studying abroad on top of that can be overwhelming. Maybe you are concerned about talking with your parents because they feel studying abroad is an unrealistic goal or because they will worry about the distance. Whatever the case may be, the best advice is to present them with all of the necessary information, which you can find by exploring our website and talking to a CIP advisor. The following resources and tips may also be of use to you:
- How can I explain to my family that a study abroad experience can contribute to my academic and career goals?
- Since no one in my family has studied abroad, who can help me stay on the right track as I plan?
- Is it okay for my parents to meet with a CIP staff member?
- Are there additional funding sources for first-generation college students going abroad?
- Consider how you will explain the process and interest in studying abroad to family and friends.
- Consider what resources are available to both you and your family.
- Research! The more you know, the better equipped you will be to navigate new and challenging experiences.
- First Generation Students Traveling Abroad
- IFSA-Butler “Unpacked” Student Stories: How One First-Gen Student Prepared to Study Abroad
- IES Student Voices: Being a First Generation Student Abroad
Special Diets
If you have special eating habits, are committed to a particular way of eating (e.g., vegetarian, vegan, kosher, macrobiotic) or have health issues or food allergies that result in a special diet (e.g. Celiac’s), you will need to research your study abroad destination carefully before assuming that the food you need will be available. In many areas of the world, certain diets are not common, and in some cases, not eating food that has been prepared for you — even if for dietary reasons — is considered rude. If applicable, students living with a host family should inform the program provider of their dietary requirements immediately after acceptance into the program. The CIP or the study abroad program provider may need additional time to find a host family that would be able to accommodate specific requests. If a host family cannot meet your needs, alternative housing solutions may be possible — but with early planning. If for cultural, religious or personal reasons you do not eat certain types of food, you should contact the CIP or your study abroad program administrator to see whether or not your dietary needs can be accommodated.
- Learn what is and isn’t available so that you can experience the food of the culture you’re living in while at the same time having your dietary needs met. Being flexible, whenever possible, about what you eat will make your study abroad experience easier and more enriching.
- Select Wisely: links to helpful Web sites for people with food restrictions who are traveling or planning to travel.
- “Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Tips for Gluten-Free Travel”
- “Get Gluten-Free Food Safely at Home or Away”
- WebMD: “Traveling with Diabetes”
- International Vegetarian Union
- Vegetarian Guides
- Kosher Travel
Religion & Spirituality
Religion is an important aspect of culture. While abroad, you may encounter people of various religious and non-religious backgrounds. It is important to understand your beliefs and those of your host country or region to identify any opportunities or challenges that may arise while you are abroad. Depending on where you go, religion may play a larger or smaller role than it does here in the US. While you may be used to being part of the religious majority in the United States, your beliefs may make you a part of the religious minority while abroad. Most importantly, you want to be aware of the level of religious tolerance in your host country so you can make an informed decision on how you will practice your religion while abroad.
While abroad, it is very important to understand local laws, especially in regards to activities that appear as proselytizing and/or preaching. Always demonstrate respect to icons and statues by wearing appropriate clothing (for example, many churches and temples forbid shoulders or knees to be exposed). If you are unsure how to dress or act, ask! If it seems appropriate, talk with your new friends, host family, conversation partner, teachers, and others who are interested in discussing religion, faith, spirituality and the ways these issues are understood. You may gain a new perspective on religion by traveling abroad. You may even return home with an increased familiarity with other belief systems and a greater respect for them. Begin your research now by looking at the resources below and by talking with international students and program alumni on campus.
- What is the dominant religion in my host country?
- Will I be part of the religious majority or minority abroad?
- Are there any laws regarding religion? Is there a separation between religion and government?
- How tolerant is the host country of other religions? What about atheists and agnostics?
- Is it safe for me to wear religious symbols or clothing?
- Stay open-minded about religious practices, even if you receive criticism for your beliefs.
- If you are planning to practice your religion abroad, you may want to find out about available (and safe) places of worship.
- If you have dietary restrictions related to your religion and you plan to stay with a host family while abroad, be sure to let your program director or on-site staff know prior to your departure so they have time to find appropriate arrangements for you.
- Attend local worship services as these can give an insight to the local community (even if you do not feel religious affiliation). Use the local religion as a lens to the local culture.
- Diversity Abroad: Diversity Abroad provides some excellent student articles about various topics (including faith abroad!).
- Religious Freedom Information: This resource is provided by the U.S. Department of State. It provides information about international religious freedom and includes individual country chapters on the status of religious freedom worldwide.
- IFSA-Butler “Unpacked” articles on faith abroad
Women Abroad
Female travelers are more likely to face unwanted attention or even harassment in some cultures abroad. However, you may be able to avoid uncomfortable situations with the following precautions:
- Always try to stay with a group when exploring locally and avoid walking alone at night.
- Research dress and social behaviors before you go and respect the customs of the nation. What you think is casual may actually be considered provocative or unacceptable in other cultures. Know before you go and pack accordingly.
- On arrival, note what local women are wearing and how they act, and try to follow their lead.
- Don’t feel the need to be overly polite if you are bothered by someone. While it may seem rude to be unfriendly to a stranger, creating boundaries to protect yourself is important. Use facial expressions, body language, and a firm voice to fend off any unwanted attention.
- Trust your instincts. If something is making you feel uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation. Please do not hesitate to contact the CIP at any time during your experience to report concerns or incidents.
Resources for Female Travelers:
Video Resources
- Identity Abroad: Questions to Consider: Video from the Gilman Scholarship program providing questions for reflection prior to travel abroad.
- The Institute for the International Education of Students (or IES Abroad) shares its diversity video, “Speaking of diversity… What it means to be me in Granada.” The video, shot and produced in Granada, Spain, provides a window into the thoughts and experiences of seven diverse students and their travels in Granada.
- “Breaking Barriers,” created and produced at San Francisco State University, features students from groups traditionally underrepresented in study abroad. Students who participated in pre- and post-study abroad interviews share their reflections.