Outdoor aerial of Saint Joseph's University campus with Saint Joseph's flags

Academic Integrity
at Saint Joseph's University

"The University exists primarily to sustain the pursuit of knowledge. Learning, to have true value, must be linked to a sense of honesty and integrity. It is the responsibility of every person in the academic community —faculty members, students, administrators— to ensure that dishonesty is not tolerated. Personal and communal integrity have always been fundamental in Jesuit education, and a sense of honor must be kept alive in every activity at Saint Joseph’s University."
- SJU Academic Honesty Policy

Information for Students, Faculty and Academic Honesty Policy

Saint Joseph's University students walking on campus.

Information for Students

Information for Students

What is academic integrity?

Academic integrity demonstrates respect for the ideas, knowledge, and work of others.

Saint Joseph's University faculty member teaching students

Information for Faculty

Information for Faculty

How do I promote academic integrity in my classes?

Information and resources on ways to promote academic integrity in the classroom.

Aerial view of Saint Joseph's University campus with Philadelphia skyline in the background

Academic Honesty Policy

Academic Honesty Policy

The academic honesty policy specifies what is, and what is not permitted at Saint Joseph's University.

Saint Joseph's University's Barbelin Hall reflecting of Drexel Library's window

Academic Integrity Council

The Academic Integrity Council (AIC) promotes academic integrity across the university, among students, faculty, and staff. The AIC’s work is preventive in nature, and aims to celebrate academic honesty and integrity in all aspects of academia by creating and fostering an environment that supports academic integrity. This includes designing academic courses according to best practices in order to minimize the temptation and opportunities for dishonesty. The council’s work includes publicizing, educating, and promoting the Academic Honesty Policy (student orientation, current and new faculty, consulting with faculty, identifying resources that students use).

Current Council Members

Students sitting inside Drexel Library at Saint Joseph's University

Academic Honesty Board (AHB)

The Academic Honesty Board (AHB) is the judicial body that responds to reports of violation of academic integrity after these have been filed by faculty members. A first violation report means that the student is only subject to the sanction imposed in that particular class/context (i.e., a failing grade for one assignment or for the class). The AHB only receives the violation report if an appeal is filed. A second violation report is automatically sent to the AHB to determine whether additional sanctions are merited.

Contact Academic Honesty Board