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Top 5 Reasons to Take Summer Courses at Saint Joseph’s

Summer is just around the corner. And you can reap the benefits by fitting summer courses into your schedule.

Students studying on laptops at Saint Joseph's University

Written by: Victor Filoromo

Published: March 4, 2024

Total reading time: 2 minutes

Warm weather. Vacation. Hanging out with friends and family. These are all hallmarks of a fantastic summer. It’s a chance for every Hawk to recharge and rest.

But opportunity also exists. The summer is a great chance for current undergraduate students to fit additional coursework into their schedules to learn a new skill, accelerate their degree and make life easier down the road. You can still take your vacation. You can still make time to hang out with friends and family. But by putting in some work now, you benefit later on.

Here are the top five reasons to take summer courses at Saint Joseph’s:

Get Ahead on General Education Classes

Undergraduate courses, many of which are available online, provide an opportunity to meet Saint Joseph’s GEP requirements. This is the perfect time to knock out some of those gen eds so you can focus more on courses related to your major in the fall.

Give Yourself Breathing Room

Taking undergraduate courses during the summer months makes space for experiential-learning opportunities like study abroad, service learning, co-ops and internships during the semester. And graduate students can take summer courses to lighten their load if they foresee a busy fall, too.

Enjoy a Class on a New Topic

Haven’t been able to fit that class you’ve wanted to try into your fall or spring schedule? Now is a great time to do it. Learn about the development of Black popular culture in film, media and fiction in Black Popular Culture or understand the changes food molecules go through as they are cooked and absorbed in Food Chemistry.

Accelerate Your Speed to Degree

Take summer courses and get your degree sooner. Everyone has different goals, but you may want to find a job earlier than others, or leave time to go on a backpacking trip across Europe before doing so. Summer coursework can make dreams a reality.

Build Your Resume

Work toward a double major or minor, building skills that help you stand out even more upon graduation. Look ahead in Forging the Modern World, or examine the impact of drugs from various perspectives in Drugs, the Brain and Behavior.

Students can discuss summer course options with their faculty advisor or contact the Advising Support Center for more information. The summer 2024 term begins May 13 for seven-week courses and May 20 for 12-week courses.