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Top 3 Things to Know about Financial Aid as a Current Student

The Financial Aid Office is here to help make the financial aid process as easy as possible for current students. See the top three things you should know that will help you continue to receive financial assistance each school year.

Written by: Mary Kate Celini

Published: February 22, 2021

Total reading time: 2 minutes

Saint Joseph’s University’s Financial Aid Office is here to make the financial aid process as easy as possible for current students.

That’s why we created this video to help students gain a better understanding of what financial aid is and how to navigate the financial aid process. It also covers other financing opportunities available to help students pay for their education.

Top Three Thing to Know about Financial Aid at SJU

  1. Financial aid is funding that helps bridge the gap between college costs and what a family can afford to pay toward the total cost of a college education.
  2. It all starts with the FAFSA. In order to receive consideration for federal, state and Saint Joseph’s University need-based aid, students have to take the first step in filing their FAFSA, or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA for the 2022-2023 school year is available at When filing, you must list Saint Joseph’s University, school code 003367, as the recipient school. Students need to refile the FAFSA every school year during their undergraduate experience in order to continue receiving federal financial aid.

    The priority deadline for returning undergraduate day students to submit the FAFSA for the upcoming academic year is April 1. It is critical that Pennsylvania residents file the FAFSA by May 1st to be considered for PHEAA PA State Grant aid. You can expect to receive a financial aid package notification for the upcoming school year in mid-June, once satisfactory academic progress from the prior year is reviewed.
  3. Internships or co-ops and other employment opportunities can help you gain valuable experience and develop your career path, as well as earn money. Your professors, academic advisor and University support offices, such as the Career Development Center, are great resources to help find internships or co-ops in your field of interest, and even find other jobs on or off campus. Co-op opportunities are available in 15 different majors; the average co-op student earns around $30,000 during their time at SJU. Keep that in mind when determining future out-of-pocket costs.

Connect with the Financial Aid Office

Students are encouraged to connect with the Financial Aid Office with any questions regarding financial aid for college or their aid package. For more information on financial aid and the types of student aid, as well as policies, refunds and forms, click here to learn more from the Financial Aid Office.