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Student Org Spotlight: Phi Kappa Psi

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Published: November 15, 2021

Total reading time: 3 minutes

Editor's note: This article was written prior to University of the Sciences' merger with and into Saint Joseph's University and does not reflect the current, combined institution. References to programs, offices, colleges, employees, etc., may be historical information.

Phi Kappa Psi

Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity has been a presence at USciences for over 20 years. Chapter Vice President Dylan Poris ’25 (PharmD), shared more about the fraternity and its members.

Describe Phi Kappa Psi- what is the purpose or mission?
Our mission at Phi Kappa Psi is to strengthen the character of men and deepen their integrity. We strive for intellectual, moral, and spiritual excellence. This is accomplished through the bonding of brotherhood and the support that comes with it.

Why should people join?
People should look to join Phi Kappa Psi because it is a group of amazing brothers who value everyone for their differences. Brothers from all backgrounds are able to come together and form lifelong bonds within Phi Psi. Many of my greatest memories this far have been made with the people in this organization, or with people I’ve been introduced to thanks to this organization.

Phi Psi is also very established across many college campuses, meaning that no matter where you visit you’re likely to be near a chapter. This opens doors for amazing networking opportunities, as well as there always being a place you’re welcome.

Why did you join Phi Kappa Psi?
I joined this organization after I transferred to USciences and was looking for ways to get involved and meet people who shared similar values as me. I wanted to belong to an organization I could be proud of, one that would help me develop in both professional and personal ways. I found all of this and more being a brother of Phi Psi.

I love that being in this organization allows me to focus on my academics while still being able to have fun. There are always brothers willing to help you study or answer your questions when you have them.

What are Phi Kappa Psi members like?
Our members are composed of men from multiple different majors and years. They enjoy working hard, developing their character, and spending time with their brothers. There is no cookie cutter Phi Psi member, which is the beauty in it.

Our members are all very unique and enjoy being able to share that with their other brothers. When looking for new members, we get excited when we meet someone that is dedicated to their studies and is also able to balance enjoying their social life with the brothers.

What kind of events do you participate in throughout the year?
The brothers of Phi Kappa Psi like to have fun at their events. In the past we’ve held donut sales, Easter egg raffles, and are a strong force in competitions such as Deepher Dude.

My personal favorite was Deepher Dude, where myself and another brother had the opportunity to raise money and promote awareness of the cystic fibrosis foundation. It was a great event filled with smiles and laughs, especially since Brother Metzger was crowned!

Connect with Phi Kappa Psi on Instagram @usciphipsi