SJU Getting Summer Facelifts

Take even a cursory look around campus and you are bound to notice a number of changes that Saint Joseph's University is undergoing this summer in preparation for the fall semester.
Perhaps the most noticeable changes are those being made in conjunction with the expansion of the Alumni Memorial Fieldhouse. While the arena is under construction, many athletic offices previously housed in the Fieldhouse have been temporarily moved to Barry Hall.
To accommodate drainage, the Mandeville parking lot will be repaved and equipped to absorb water runoff replacing the grated water collection. The north side of the lot was excavated to lay a stone bed and will be repaved using a porous surface to collect rainwater and water runoff. During reconstruction, a large portion of the parking lot is unavailable for use. The lot is scheduled to reopen in full on July 3.
Finnesey Field and the surrounding track will be closed for most of the summer as well. The artificial turf will be converted to a surface that more closely replicates a grass playing surface. The track will also be re-covered with a new overlay before the fall outdoor sports season.
Campion Student Center is undergoing a number of changes and expansions as well. Both the Crimson and Grey Cafeterias will be renovated, and an addition will be built stretching toward Wolfington Hall. The Hawk Rock Café, now closed, will be replaced by a café in Simpson Hall, the former site of Saint Joseph's bookstore. Simpson Hall will also be used for cafeteria space over the summer. The temporary Science Center parking lot will be closing permanently and converted into green space.
In addition to large-scale projects, there are other improvements such as replacing pipe work and installing more energy efficient utilities.
"We're currently working on over 90 projects," said Kevin Kane, director of facilities management. "And most people may not even know about some of the projects until they are done."
--David King '08