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President Mark C. Reed, Ed.D., Delivers Message on the Events in Our Nation’s Capital

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Published: January 7, 2021

Total reading time: 1 minute

Dear SJU Community,

After yesterday’s disturbing events in our nation’s capital, I know I join many of you in feeling deep unease and great concern about what took place and how our nation will move forward. To see what transpired in the Capitol was, simply put, astonishing. This majestic symbol of our democracy made fragile by its own citizens will surely be an image not easily forgotten in the minds of Americans and the annals of our history.

As a Jesuit institution dedicated to the pursuit of not only the common good but also the greater good, this is a moment where the Saint Joseph’s community can look within and around ourselves for strength and resolve. Our mission is to provide students the knowledge, skills, courage and resilience to meet the world, however complicated, and make a difference. It has never been an easy or straightforward mission, but it is one that has sustained Jesuit education for centuries.

With a steadfast commitment to this mission, let’s remember the power to bring people together and contribute to the greater good that lies within all of us.


Signuature of Mark C. Reed, Ed.D., President of Saint Joseph's Univeristy

Mark C. Reed, Ed.D.