A Day in the Life of Haub Student Nino Aquino ’23
Junior accounting and business intelligence and analytics double major Nino Aquino ’23 shares a snapshot of a day in his life, from playing saxophone in the Chapel Band to pausing for a study break over cold brews with friends at Saxbys. The Hawk Host may not have more hours in his day than the rest of us, but he’s certainly found a way to make the most of his time at St. Joe’s.

Nino Aquino ’23 has wasted no time making the most of his undergraduate career at Saint Joseph’s University. When the junior accounting and business intelligence and analytics double major isn’t taking courses, he’s playing saxophone in the Chapel Band, managing the men’s baseball team and touring future students around campus as a Hawk Host (we should add that talking while walking around Hawk Hill backwards is an extracurricular in itself!).
Aquino is involved with several other organizations, too — Delta Sigma Pi (a co-ed business fraternity), the Asian Student Association, Hip Hop Hawks and College Republicans. Over the summer, he interned at Deloitte in their eight-week Discovery Program, working on an auditing case study project with other interns nationwide; he’ll be returning this winter for a second internship.
Wonder how he manages to squeeze it all in and still have time for coffee with friends at Saxbys? Catch a glimpse of a day in the life of Nino Aquino '23 in his own words.
Nino Aquino ’23 Fast Facts
Hometown: Washington Township, New Jersey
Majors: Accounting + Business Intelligence and Analytics
Minor: Leadership, Ethics and Organizational Sustainability
Proudest Moment at SJU: Being a brother of Delta Sigma Pi, an amazing organization that really got me out of my comfort zone and surrounded me with like-minded people who push me to be better socially and professionally.
Favorite Hawk Hill Memory: Watching the baseball team sweep LaSalle in the last series that secured them a spot in the A10 playoffs. This is where I saw the most school spirit and everyone came together and really defined the motto “The Hawk Will Never Die.”
Why I love St. Joe’s: You feel wanted and included at this school. Being at a small school is an advantage because you walk around campus and you see familiar faces as you go. Especially when people hold the door for you — that’s how you know you’re an SJU student. You meet so many people from different backgrounds and it’s great to see there’s always one common thing you share.
A Day in the Life: Sept. 14, 2021
- 9 a.m.: The sun is out and SJU is shining bright and early! I head on over to campus to get ready for rehearsal for the Mass of the Holy Spirit. It’s great to see that campus is alive with activities and events, with students actively engaging in participating!
- 11 a.m.: It’s time for the Mass of the Holy Spirit at the Chapel of St. Joseph's. SJU was founded on September 15, 1851, and every year we mark the celebration of the start of the academic school year with this event. The Chapel Choir and Band is playing ecstatic music (I play saxophone) while Father Dan Joyce gives remarks to “not throw away your shot.” While this is an iconic line from the musical “Hamilton,” he means that whatever opportunity you get in life, don’t let it go away — take advantage of it!
12 p.m.: Right after Mass, I stop by my favorite spot on campus: Saxbys. It’s a student-run coffee shop where they make the best cold brew and sweet teas; I order their new buffalo chicken grilled cheese and meet up with my friends Luke and Maria for a quick study session before class.
- 2 p.m.: Time to head to Connelly Hall on the Merion side of campus for the first class of the day: Management 360 with Professor Clapp. Today, we’re learning about litigation and the legal system. All business students will take this class to fulfill their business core requirements.
- 3 p.m.: I head to the library with my friends Chris and Bella to study for our accounting quiz tonight. The library is split up into two sides and I sit in the Post Learning Commons (aka, the “new side”) that has tables for you to do group work and group study.

- 4 p.m.: Before my next class, I stop by Smithson Field, home of the SJU baseball team. I just became one of the baseball managers and this team is committed to winning and having fun. What I love about the team is when they’re not on the field, you can find them working with other organizations such as Agape (Christian Fellowship) and involved in the classroom, participating and lending a hand.

- 6 p.m.: Time for my second class, which is a night class in Mandeville! It’s Accounting 212 with Professor Ji. This class is solely for accounting majors concentrated on costs and providing information to managers within the organization. Fun fact: The accounting program at SJU is one of three schools in PA that are AACSB- accredited for accounting! Wish me good luck on my quiz!
- 9 p.m.: Signing off by Sweeney Field because I got done with my night class. I’m driving back to my off-campus house for the night. I hope everyone enjoyed the takeover! Be sure to follow me on YouTube to see more of my life on Hawk Hill.

Aquino also shared his day through an Instagram story takeover. If you missed it, you’re in luck! Catch him on Saint Joseph's YouTube channel: