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Alumni Spotlight: Nicole Roberts, MOT’10, OTD

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Published: February 4, 2021

Total reading time: 3 minutes

Editor's note: This article was written prior to University of the Sciences' merger with and into Saint Joseph's University and does not reflect the current, combined institution. References to programs, offices, colleges, employees, etc., may be historical information.

’’Nicole Roberts MOT10, OTDGet to know more about Nicole Roberts MOT’10, OTD, a new member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, who is Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy and Coordinator of Academic Fieldwork at USciences. She conducted her doctoral research on the occupational therapy needs of young adults with disabilities and their families at Temple University. After receiving her OTD in May 2017, she had returned to her alma mater to teach and volunteer.

I was born… In Baltimore, MD. I only lived there the first few months of my life because my parents moved to Norristown, PA where I grew up to be closer to my grandmother.

I wanted to grow up to be… a teacher or a doctor.

People would be surprised to know that I… am a childhood cancer survivor.

I like to collect… kitchen gadgets! I like to cook and love trying the newest appliances.

My favorite memory at USciences/ PCPS is… cheering at basketball games. I was a cheerleader for my first 4 years. I also have a distinct memory of the sound of the crowds in Center City on the night that the Phillies won the World Series.

The last book I read cover to cover is… "7 Habits of Highly Successful People." I am a big fan of Audible and listening to Audible Originals like "Treasure Island" and "Emma."

The last book I read that I would recommend to others is… "The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee." It is a long book, but extremely interesting looking at the history and struggles of cancer research.

The first album I bought with my own cash was… Boyz II Men, II

I like to watch… movies. I love movies! My dad was a big fan of movies! I like a little of everything from the classics, to comedies, to action movies.

The most challenging thing about my job is… stopping at the end of the work day. It is very easy to get wrapped up in contacting and researching sites for student placements. It is even harder when working from home due to COVID.

When people tell me they want to get more involved with the University… I tell them to find something that you are interested in and get involved! USciences helped you to get where you are today so it is only right that you give back.

The talent I would most like to have is... to be more artistic for example with painting or creating artworks.

My most treasured possession is… my family. But my most treasured physical possession is my memory box. It was given to me after my dad passed away as a way to keep memories of him, but it now also holds memories from more recent parts of my life too.

My real life hero is… my mom. She is an extremely hardworking and giving person.

The most famous person I’ve met is… Santitia Jackson—political commentator, singer, daughter of Jesse Jackson, and godmother of one of President Obama’s daughters. At the same event I met Dr. Bernard Lafayette. Dr. Lafayette is a civil rights activist and one of Martin Luther King’s advisers.

For me, USciences, in a word, is… rewarding.