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5 Reasons to Enroll in Summer Classes

For students wanting to further their academic goals, create flexibility in future semesters or take advantage of an interesting course, St. Joe’s is offering a wide variety of classes this summer.

Young man sitting on stone bench outside, smiling.

Written by: Erin O'Boyle

Published: April 15, 2021

Total reading time: 2 minutes

This year, Saint Joseph’s is offering hundreds of summer courses to current graduate and undergraduate students, as well as visiting students. From Pottery to Social Media Marketing, the History of Rock and Pop to Applications DEI at Work, and Differential Calculus to Netflix: The Class, students can find anything to fit their interests and educational aspirations. Enrollment is currently open, and classes begin in May and July.

For students considering taking a summer class, here is a list of the top five reasons to enroll in St. Joe’s summer session:

  1. This summer’s course catalogue includes hundreds of classes from over 40 different majors. From art to aerospace, physics to philosophy, English to education, students can browse the catalogue listing to find the right course for them.
  2. Summer is a great time to catch up on missed credits, or to get ahead of schedule for students wanting to accelerate their degree. Students may also use this time to focus on a minor, add a second major or add a new skill to enhance their resume.
  3. Many of the summer courses will be available online. Students do not need to be on campus to continue learning, and can access their classes by logging in from anywhere, on any device. International students will also have the opportunity to stay engaged in their education from abroad.
  4. Enrolling in a summer class can create room for future opportunities. For students who want to participate in internships, study abroad, service learning, faculty-guided research and independent studies, participating in summer classes may allow time for these future opportunities.
  5. Summer courses are a good way to keep the mind engaged over the break. Classwork can also help students maintain good study habits and consistent routines. Keeping the brain active and productive over the summer makes for a smoother transition from spring to fall semester.

The deadline to sign up for summer session is July 2. Learn more about summer courses here.