A look back at... Mission Week 2025

With a record number of events and enthusiastic participation, this year's celebration truly emphasizes the profound importance of our mission!


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Photo of Mission Week Service at Cradles to Crayons 2025 Morning

Three Locations, One Mission

This year’s Mission Week featured over 40 events across all three SJU campuses, offering opportunities to learn about our mission, engage in self-reflection, and give back to the community. We celebrated the heart of what makes Saint Joseph's special: our shared commitment to Jesuit values.

Click through the slideshow below to view some highlights!

The Portal – Separated by distance, united by our shared mission. Our three campuses stayed connected through a webcam and live video feed, strengthening bonds and even forming new friendships!

Chapel Reflections – Throughout the week, our Chapel offered a peaceful space for reflection, described as a "spa-like" experience with soothing lighting, relaxing music, and reflection materials.

Maguire Art Museum – We hosted a variety of events at the museum, including Crafting for a Cause and a Visio Divina session. Visitors could also explore Ignatian-inspired artwork through a student-created self-guided tour.

Book Signing – We welcomed Sr. Margaret Scott for a signing of her latest book, Ignatius Was Green. 100% of the proceeds supported our Jesuit partnership in Haiti.

Cradles to Crayons – Several groups of employees and alumni served at Cradles to Crayons throughout the week. As a university community, we also collected a large amount of clothing and school supplies to be distributed to those in need.

Ignatian Student Leadership Conference – Rising student leaders were invited to learn from experienced upper-level students. During the conference, current SJU students led breakout sessions on a variety of leadership topics.

Alpha Sigma Nu – We welcomed over 500 Alpha Sigma Nu inductees and their families to campus for our induction ceremony. These junior and senior students were inducted into the only honors society that bears the name Jesuit.

1 of 7

Unique events on all three SJU campuses.

$1,000 +

Raised to support our Jesuit partnership in Haiti. (We're still counting!)


Shared mission amongst all Hawks.

Our Shared Mission

Throughout Mission Week 2025, we invited SJU alumni to share how their Jesuit education has influenced their lives. We gathered an inspiring collection of stories—use the button below to explore them all!

Maegen Brady DeLeo

The Jesuit value of cura personalis shapes my work as a physical therapist, guiding my care for patients, my team, and my community.

Maegen Brady DeLeo Class of 2011

Recorded Webinars

This year, we hosted two special webinars during Mission Week—and you can rewatch them anytime!

Jesuit 101 Webinar

Jesuit 101 Webinar

The Jesuit Approach to Education at SJU - What makes it different? From deep academic rigor to meaningful reflection and service, this conversation explores how we form students into leaders with purpose. (21:44)

Mission in Healthcare webinar

Mission in Healthcare

How does our university mission relate to those in the healthcare industry? Join us for a discussion focused on applying Jesuit values to those interested in nursing and other related fields. (58:12)

Continue the Mission

Our mission is not confined to a single week but rather to be lived out in all that we do! Explore the ways you can continue to learn about the mission and stay connected with us below.

Thank You!

Thank you for Living the Mission and engaging with Saint Joseph's University Mission Week! We'd also like to thank the following people who helped to shape Mission Week 2025.


  • Elizabeth Anastasio
  • Coleen Bennett
  • George Bur S.J.
  • Katherine Cartagena-Davis
  • Andrea Constantino
  • Danielle Critelli
  • Ali Flukes
  • Lisa Hansinger
  • Nancy Komada
  • Sofia Le Fallas
  • Erika Lohbauer
  • Sara Melley
  • Sally Murphy
  • Sage Olnick
  • Gabrielle Stevenson
  • Katie Shields
  • Maria Stout
  • Sue Wiglesworth

Event-Specific Help:

  • Kim Allen-Stuck
  • Mark Beideman
  • Jeanne Bracy
  • Matthew Clifford
  • Andrea Decarolis
  • Mario Farrugia S.J.
  • Andrew Haas
  • Maggie Koch
  • Lynn Langnas
  • Rachael Morrison
  • Rachel Novotny
  • Connor Quelly
  • Douglas Ray S.J.
  • Tinamarie Stolz
  • Jill Welsh


Mission Week Project Manager

Eric Thompson




Annual Mission Week Reinforces Jesuit Values

The events for this year’s Mission Week promote a lifelong commitment to critical thinking, making ethical decisions and pursuing social justice.


Archived Schedule of Events

Curious what events were held during Mission Week 2025? Use the tabs to switch between different days and discover all the events!

Archived Week-Long Initiatives

The initiatives below took place everyday throughout Mission Week 2025.

  • Reflection In the Chapel

    Chapel in the winter

    Stop by the Chapel of Saint Joseph anytime during mission week for a unique experience of soothing music, gentle lighting, and time for reflection—all designed to help you recharge and reflect throughout the week!

    An audio Examen will play at 10 am and 1 pm each day.

    Learn more

  • Visit the Maguire Art Museum

    Inside a gallery of the Maguire Museum at Saint Joseph's

    Explore Ignatian inspired artwork in this student-created self-guided tour. Look for the SJU shield stickers throughout the galleries.

    Museum Hours

  • Jesuit Lingo

    IHS - Jesuit Logo Society of Jesus

    Magis, Cura Personalis, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam – What Does It All Mean?! Throughout Mission Week, we’ll have posters defining these terms, videos on social media exploring their significance, as well as discussion questions on the whiteboards throughout the Lancaster campus. Discover how these Jesuit principles shape our mission!

    Learn the Lingo

  • Portal Through SJU

    Portal Art Exhibit in Philadelphia's Love Park

    We are proud to be united through our shared mission across three campuses. Visit the Hawk Hill Library Atrium, McNeil STC, or the Lancaster Atrium to connect with your peers on another campus through our "Portals" installation, inspired by the popular art exhibit "Portal" located at Love Park in Philadelphia, PA.

  • Lenten Reflection Email Series

    Screenshot of Lenten Reflection Email

    Reflect with the SJU community this Lent! Sign up to receive daily short reflections written by a member of our SJU community throughout Lent.


  • Community Donation Drive

    Picture of SJU employees serving at Cradles to Crayons

    Mission Week at Saint Joseph's University is an excellent reminder that when our community comes together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. During Mission Week we will be holding a collection that benefits multiple organizations on all three campuses.

    Learn More


  • Influence of Jesuit Mission

    students wearing graduation caps

    How has our Jesuit Mission at SJU influenced our community members? We asked students, staff, and alumni to share how they’ve experienced the Jesuit mission in their lives. Their stories reflect the heart of our community!

    Read their Stories


  • Spiritual Exercises

    The Spiritual Exercises are a method of speaking to and listening to God daily; an honest self-evaluation weekly with a person experienced in leading persons through meditation and contemplation. For 50 years members of the SJU community, of any faith tradition (or none at all) have participated!

    Learn More

  • Walking Examen

    Walking Examen Signs outside

    Grab some fresh air and reflect on your day with this unique adaptation of St. Ignatius's Examen. Throughout Mission Week, you will find reflection questions placed throughout our campus. These questions are adapted by the Examen, a form of prayer by St. Ignatius of Loyal (the founder of the Jesuits), where participants review the events of their day to help them identify God's presence.

    Learn More

  • Letters to Elders

    Love for our Elders Logo

    Help us make our elders feel loved this Valentine's season by sending them holiday cards. Small actions and interactions can leave a lasting impact on recipients! Please register with the link below to receive a confirmation with simple instructions on how to participate.

    How to Participate

  • Go Move Challenge

    Go Move Challenge Logo

    Calling all faculty and staff! It's not too late to sign up for the 2025 Go Move Challenge occurring February 1st - 28th. Click here to signup now or to track your activity. Help determine which Jesuit institution in the nation is the most active by logging your physical activity minutes that get your heart pumping!

    Learn More

  • My Mission is...

    Picture of our New mission stickers

    How do we, as Hawks, live out our Mission? Explore responses from individuals across all our SJU locations!

    Read Responses

  • Live the Mission Conversations


    Throughout Mission Week, we invite everyone to reflect on and discuss our University's mission—whether in the classroom, the office, or over lunch. To help spark these important conversations, we’ve created resources for teachers and conversation leaders to use in any setting.

    View Conversation Guide

  • Crafting for a Cause

    Picture of Yarn

    We invite you to spend some time making a craft item to be donated to various organizations! Materials and supplies will be provided in the Great Hall of the Maguire Art Museum during all of Mission Week.

    Learn More

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