Wild Bees
June 17 through September 1

Family Fun Day
Noon to 3pm
Join our Family Fun event at the Wild Bees Photographic Exhibition opening!
- Tour the 2 galleries of stunning photos of America's native bees in their breathtaking habitat
- Go for a scavenger hunt in the Barnes Arboretum that is in glorious bloom
- Have fun with activities for all ages
Registration not required but appreciated

When most people think of bees, they picture the hives of honeybees. Honeybees, however, are a single non-native species among thousands of native bees that inhabit North America. Our native bees pollinate our vegetable and fruit crops, backyard gardens, fields and woodland trees.
The exhibit Wild Bees showcases the works of Paula Sharp and Ross Eatman, a collection of stunning macro photographs depicting the world of America’s native bees. The exhibit has been on a national tour of prominent museums, botanical gardens and galleries for the past 7 years. Since it was first exhibited in New York’s Rockefeller State Park Gallery.

PAULA SHARP is a photojournalist and writer. She is the author of the national bestseller Crows over a Wheatfield and four other novels, and she has traveled throughout the United States and Brazil, photographing and documenting life here and in the Amazon. Her latest book, NATIVE BEES OF THE TEXAS LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY is forthcoming from Texas A&M University Press in 2024.
ROSS EATMAN has been a nature photographer for twenty years. He is a co-founder of Sharp-Eatman Nature Photography, a society dedicated to documenting conservation issues.