Class of 2021 Flies the Nest
Summer 2021

Saint Joseph’s University held an in-person Commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 22.
On Saturday, May 22, nearly 1,800 students participated in Saint Joseph’s Commencement ceremonies for the Class of 2021. Graduates and guests were invited to celebrate either in person or via livestream.
Over 1,000 undergraduate degrees were conferred that morning virtually and on Hawk Hill. Later that afternoon, close to 800 graduate and doctoral students were also awarded their degrees. It was a triumphant end to a year filled with Zoom and in-person classes, virtual club meetings, masked gatherings and physical distancing.
“I was witness to how you have persevered through major shifts in just about every aspect of your lives — from your coursework, to your living situation, to your employment and your family and social lives. And let me say … I am beyond impressed with and proud of how you have managed it all,” said President Mark. C. Reed, Ed.D., in his address.
Together, the undergraduate and graduate students represent 98 majors and hail from 40 U.S. states and territories and 23 foreign countries.