5 Questions with Jennifer Portalatin

Meet Jennifer Portalatin, Kinney's Assistant Director of Operations! Jennifer brings over two decades of managerial experience and is excited about working directly with our SCHOLARS. 

1. What drew you to the special education/autism field? 

My older sister was diagnosed with a learning disability. Special Education was critical in her learning and development. The positive reinforcement she received helped her develop a sense of self-worth and confidence to reach her full potential. The Kinney Center's Mission and vision of support and service resonated with me.

2. What excites you most about your new role?

What excites me most about my role is that I have the opportunity to work closely with Autism Professionals who are experts in the field of autism and are passionate about serving our clients. I am excited about learning more about autism and interacting with clients and SCHOLARS.

3. What's one thing you'd like clients, SCHOLARS, families, and the Kinney Center to know about you?

I would like the clients, SCHOLARS, and families to know that I am passionate about helping others and finding joy in giving.

4. What is on your professional wish list for the next few years?

To continue my goal of furthering my education. 

5. What is your favorite thing to do outside of Kinney?

Outside of Kinney, my favorite thing to do is hang out with my husband and grandchildren. I also enjoy baking from scratch.