Biodiversity Laboratory Publications

* denotes student author

Dougherty, S., Ledesma, J., Bauer, K., and McRobert, S.P. (2010). The effects of isolation and experience on preference for large shoals in juvenile fish. Behaviour 147 (12): 1567 – 1576.

Snekser, J.L., Ruhl, N., Bauer, K., and McRobert, S.P. (2010). The influence of sex and phenotype on shoaling decisions in zebrafish.  International Journal of Comparative Psychology 23: 70-81.

Del Collo, L.* and S.P. McRobert (2009). A market survey and growth study of turtles from Philadelphia’s Chinatown. Turtle Survival Alliance Report: August 2009: 54-55.

Ruhl, N.*, Currie, W., and S.P. McRobert (2009).  The effect of sex ratio on shoaling, spawning and aggression in laboratory populations of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Lab Animal Europe 9(9): 19-30.

Ruhl, N.*, Currie, W., and S.P. McRobert (2009).  The effect of sex ratio on shoaling, spawning and aggression in laboratory populations of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Lab Animal 38(8): 264-269.

Blakeslee, C.C.* and S.P. McRobert (2009). Shoaling behavior in fish. In: Handbook of Social Interactions in the 21st Century. A.T. Heatherton & V.A. Walcott (eds.) Nova Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 1-22.

Blakeslee, C.C.*, Ruhl, N.*, Currie, W., and S.P. McRobert (2009). Shoaling preferences of two common killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus and F. diaphanous) in the laboratory and the field: a new analysis of heterospecific shoaling.  Behavioural Processes 81: 119-125.

Blakeslee, C.C.*, McRobert, S.P., Brown, A.C., and E.D. Clotfelter (2009). The effect of body coloration and group size on social partner preferences in female fighting fish (Betta splendens). Behavioural Processes 80: 157-161.

Ledesma, J.* and S.P. McRobert (2008). Innate and learned shoaling preferences based on body coloration in juvenile mollies, Poecilia latipinnaEthology 114: 1044 – 1048.

Ledesma, J.* and S.P. McRobert (2008). Shoaling in juvenile guppies: The effects of body size and shoal size. Behavioural Processes 77: 384-388.

Szerlag-Egger, S.* and S.P. McRobert (2007). Northern diamondback terrapin occurrence, movement, and nesting activity along a salt marsh access road. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 6(2): 295-301.

Snekser, J.*, McRobert, S.P. and E.D. Clotfelter (2006). Social partner preferences of male and female fighting fish (Betta splendens). Behavioural Processes 72: 38-41.

Szerlag, S.* and S.P. McRobert (2006). Road occurrence and mortality of the northern diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin terrapin, during the nesting season. Applied Herpetology 3: 27-37.

Snekser, J.*, McRobert, S.P, Murphy, C.E., and E.D. Clotfelter (2006). Aggregation behavior in wildtype and transgenic zebrafish. Ethology 112: 181-187.

Szerlag, S.* and S.P. McRobert (2005). Road ecology of the northern diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin terrapinProceedings of the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation. 634-637.

McRobert, S.P. (2005). Tadpole metamorphosis turns youngster into scientists. American Scientist Nov-Dec 2005: 575.

Ruhl, N.* and S.P. McRobert (2005). The effect of sex and shoal size on shoaling behavior in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Fish Biology 67: 1318-1326.

Korbeck, R.G.* and S.P. McRobert (2005). Home area recognition via olfactory cues in the tropical poison frog Dendrobates auratusRussian Journal of Herpetology 12(3): 161-166.

Korbeck, R.G.* and S.P. McRobert (2005). The effects of temperature on development and survival in tadpoles of the tropical poison frog Dendrobates auratusRussian Journal of Herpetology 12(1): 13-16.

McRobert, S.P. (2004). Sexual behavior in Drosophila. In: The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. M. Bekoff (ed). Greenwood Publishing Group, Phoenix, Arizona. pp.930-934.

McRobert, S.P. (2004). Shoaling behavior in fish. In: The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. M. Bekoff (ed). Greenwood Publishing Group, Phoenix, Arizona. pp. 1012-1016.

Tudor, M.* and S.P. McRobert (2003). Behavioral plasticity in the shoaling behavior of Painted Tetras. Proceeedings of the Seventeenth National Council on Undergraduate Research 17: 1-4.

McRobert, S.P. (2003). Methodologies for the care, maintenance, and breeding of tropical poison frogs. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 6: 95-102.

McRobert, S.P., Tompkins, L., Barr, N.B., Bradner, J.*, Lucas, D., Rattigan, D.M. and A.F. Tannous* (2003). Mutations in raised Drosophila melanogaster affect experience-dependent aspects of sexual behavior in both sexes. Behavior Genetics 33: 347-356.

Bradner, J.* and S.P. McRobert (2001). Background coloration affects body colour segregation in fish. Journal of Fish Biology 59(3): 673-681.

Bradner, J.* and S.P. McRobert (2001). The effect of shoal size on patterns of body colour segregation in mollies. Journal of Fish Biology 59(4): 960-967.

McKnight, M.*, Toman, S.*, Trittenbach, D.*, and S.P. McRobert (2001). The effect of shoal size on shoaling behavior in mosquitofish. Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Council on Undergraduate Research.

McRobert, S.P. (1999). Housing density and growth in juvenile red-eared turtles.  Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 2(2): 133-140.

McRobert, S.P. and J. Bradner* (1998). The influence of body colouration on shoaling preferences in fish. Animal Behaviour 56: 611-615.

McRobert, S.P. and D.T. Hopkins (1998). The effects of dietary vitamin C on growth rates of juvenile slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 29(4): 419-422.

McRobert, S.P. (1998). Methods for rearing poison frog tadpoles in captivity. Reptile & Amphibian Magazine 53: 17-20.

Presenza, T.*, Caesar, J.*, and S.P. McRobert (1996). The effects of the raised mutation on remating in Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Undergraduate Research. 1564-1568.

Lord, M.*, Bradner, J.* and S.P. McRobert (1998). The effects of interspecific courtship on reproductive fitness in D. affinis and D. melanogaster males. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Undergraduate Research. 1217-1220.

Malsbury, J.* and S.P. McRobert (1998). A comparison of sexual life history parameters between different D. melanogaster populations. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Undergraduate Research. 1157-1161.

McRobert, S.P., Adams, C.R.*, Wuttke, M.*, Frank, J.*, and L.L. Jackson (1997). A comparison of postcopulatory behavior in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila biarmipesJournal of Insect Behavior 10: 761-770.

Caesar, J.*, Bradner, J.*, and S.P. McRobert (1997). The effects of the raised mutation on sexual behavior in Drosophila melanogaster females. Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Undergraduate Research. 1252-1256.

Bradner, J.*, Caesar, J.*, and S.P. McRobert (1997). The role of visual cues in determining recognition behaviors in Poecilia latipinna and Poecilia velifera x Poecilia latipinnaProceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Undergraduate Research. 1402-1406.

Lyons, K.* and S.P. McRobert (1996). Juvenile growth rates in turtles -Part III. Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Undergraduate Research. 1474-1476.

Presenza, T.*, Caesar, J.*, and S.P. McRobert (1996). The effects of the raised mutation on remating in Drosophila melanogasterProceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Undergraduate Research. 1564-1568.

Tompkins, L. and S.P. McRobert (1995). Behavioral and pheromonal phenotypes associated with expression of loss-of-function mutations in the Sex-lethal gene of Drosophila melanogasterJournal of Neurogenetics. 9: 219-226.

McRobert, S.P., Schnee, F. B., and L. Tompkins (1995). Selection for increased female sexual receptivity in raisedstocks of Drosophila melanogasterBehavior Genetics 25: 303-309.

McRobert, S.P. (1995). Juvenile growth rates in turtles. Reptile & Amphibian Magazine Sept/Oct 1995: 39-45.

Frank, J.*, Adams, C.*, and S.P. McRobert (1995). Sucrose density separation of Drosophila larvae from instant medium. Drosophila Information Service 76: 172.

Adams, C.* and S.P. McRobert (1995). The effects of mating on sexual receptivity in Drosophila biarmipesProceedings of the Ninth National Conference on Undergraduate Research. 970-973.

Mogavero, J.*, Benetatos, C.*, and S.P. McRobert (1995). Juvenile growth rates in six turtle species. Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference on Undergraduate Research. 961-964.

Benetatos, C.* and S.P. McRobert (1994). Juvenile growth rates in three species of turtle. Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Undergraduate Research: 956-959.

Tompkins, L., McRobert, S.P., and K.Y. Kaneshiro (1993). Chemical communication in Hawaiian DrosophilaEvolution.47: 1407-1419.

McRobert, S.P. (1993) Ecosystems on the edge of collapse. The Earth Times 5

Dennler, D.R.* and S.P. McRobert (1993). The effects of interspecific courtship on reproductive fitness in Drosophila melanogasterProceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Undergraduate Research: 1111-1115.

Bixler, A., Jenkins, J.B., Tompkins, L., and S.P. McRobert (1992). Identification of acoustic stimuli that mediate sexual behavior in Drosophila busckii (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 5: 469-478.

Conway, J.* and S.P. McRobert (1992). Courtship behavior and the effects of song in Drosophila immigransProceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Undergraduate Research: 1337-1341.

McRobert, S.P. (1991). The effect of the homoeotic mutation, spineless-aristapedia, on perception of the courtship song in Drosophila melanogasterJournal of Neurogenetics 7: 253-256.

McRobert, S.P. (1991). Drosophila collected in Bozeman, Montana. Drosophila Information Service 70: 141.

McRobert, S.P. and L.L. Jackson (1989). A description of the sexual behaviors of Drosophila rajasekari: The role of (Z,Z)-7,11-heptacosadiene. Journal of Chemical Ecology 15: 1423-1432.

Ford, S.C., Napolitano, L.N., McRobert, S.P. and L. Tompkins (1989). The development of behavioral competence in young Drosophila melanogaster adults. Journal of Insect Behavior 2: 575-588.

Tompkins, L. and S.P. McRobert (1989). Regulation of behavioral and pheromonal aspects of sex-determination in Drosophila  melanogaster males by the Sex-lethal gene. Genetics 123: 535-541.