Explore and Grow in Faith!
First Year Leadership Team is an opportunity for first-year students to:
- Develop leadership skills for ministry and service
- Take a more active role in Campus Ministry in your first year
- Build friendships and community in a context of faith
- Complete your required THE 154 course together in the Spring, taught by a campus minister
What happens in FYLT?
- Once you are accepted onto the team, we will meet for an opening evening "retreat" on Friday, October 18.
- We will then gather each Friday during Community Period (12:15pm to 1:30pm) for the remainder of the fall semester and for a few weeks into the spring semester. We will explore various leadership topics and skills through fun and interactive activities while building a sense of community and friendship with other members of the team.
- In the spring semester, those who did not take their required intro theology course in the fall will take part in THE 154 together, taught by a campus minister. (Those who cannot take the class can still be a part of FYLT).
- We will take part in a full weekend retreat February 21-23.
Contact Tom Sheibley at tsheible@sju.edu with any questions.
ENGAGE - First Year Faith Communities

Through the ENGAGE program, you can meet weekly with others in your first year residence hall to form friendships and explore your faith together! All students are welcome to attend -- whether you are strong in your faith or have lots of questions. Come as you are to experience the joy that can be found in community!
Contact: Julia Osęka jo750973@sju.edu & Matthew Clifford mc716793@sju.edu for more info.
CLCs - Christian Life Communities

Christian Life Communities are weekly small groups of students that commit to growing in faith together. Groups meet to have intentional conversations, explore tools of faith exploration, and leave with friendships that span from what you had for dinner to your image of God. Because CLCs meet consistently, this sacred space provides students with a home on campus to help them through the highs and lows of college life.
In addition to our regular CLC's, which are open to all students, special affinity groups exist for those who are interested. These include:
- Coming Out Spirituality CLC (Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity & Faith/Spirituality)
- Men’s CLC (Manhood & Faith/Spirituality)
- Women’s CLC (Womanhood & Faith/Spirituality)
- Senior CLC (The class of 2025/discernment & Faith/Spirituality)
- Bible Study CLC
Contact Tinamarie Stolz at tstolz@sju.edu with any questions, ideas, concerns or feedback
The Huddle

The Huddle is a faith community for student athletes at SJU. We meet each Thursday at 8pm in Wolfington Hall (Campus Ministry building). Varsity athletes from any team are encouraged to attend.
Contact Tom Sheibley tsheible@sju.edu for more information
Alpha Omega -- Greek Life Faith Community
Alpha Omega is a faith community for student members of social fraternities and sororities at SJU. We gather on Mondays at 8pm in Wolfington Hall (Campus Ministry building). Members of any social fraternity or sorority are warmly invited to join us!
Contact Tom Sheibley tsheible@sju.edu for more information