Grow in Faith
Campus Ministry offers many opportunities for students to grow in faith during their years on Hawk Hill. Whether you are confident in your beliefs or have many doubts and questions, we invite you to explore with us. Our ministry is rooted in the Catholic tradition and inspired by Ignatian Spirituality, but all are welcome, regardless of denomination or faith tradition. Please consider becoming involved through our weekend retreats and weekly faith sharing groups, or by taking part in other programs which can inspire you to find God’s presence more readily in your life.
Chapel Schedule
Sunday Mass
Sundays, 11am year round
7:00pm and 9:00 pm when classes are in session
- 5:00pm mass at the University City Location, 100 Rosenberger Hall
*11am mass livestream is available on Youtube
Weekday Mass
Monday-Friday (when classes are in session)
Holy Day and Special Mass Schedule
Ash Wednesday is March 5, 2025.
Mass with the distribution of ashes will be offered in the Chapel of St. Joseph at 12:20pm.
An additional prayer service with ash distribution will be offered in the chapel at 5pm.
Wednesday Worship
Wednesdays 8:30pm-9:30pm
- Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction
- Acoustic Praise and Worship Music
- Quiet Prayer
- Opportunity for Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wednesdays 8:45pm-9:15pm (during Wednesday Worship)
Sundays 8:00pm-9:00pm
or by appointment (contact Fr. Dan Ruff druff@sju.edu)
University City Campus
Sunday mass: St. Francis DeSales Church, 4625 Springfield Avenue
- 5pm Saturday vigil
- 7:00am
- 10:15am
Religious groups seeking prayer space on the UCity Campus: please contact us at campusministry@sju.edu
Lancaster Campus
Nearby Catholic Parishes
St. Anthony of Padua Church
St. John Neumann Parish
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Places of Worship in Lancaster (varied denominations)
Religious groups seeking prayer space on the Lancaster Campus: please contact us at campusministry@sju.edu
Alumni Memorial Masses
Family members and friends desiring to remember a deceased alumnus are welcome to arrange to do so at our 11am Sunday mass. Memorial masses outside of the regular Sunday liturgy are scheduled only in exceptional circumstances.
Funeral Masses are not ordinarily offered in the Chapel of St. Joseph.
For more information, please contact Diane Hankee, Campus Minister for Liturgy, Music, and Weddings at dhankee@sju.edu.
SJU Alumni are invited to celebrate the sacrament of matrimony in the Chapel of St. Joseph. More information can be found on our Weddings page.
Liturgical Ministry

Students are invited and encouraged to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Sacristans/Altar Servers, Ministers of Music, Hospitality Ministers, and to assume other roles for campus liturgies.
There are trainings at the beginning of each semester to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lector, and/or Altar Server. Students must attend a training to serve at SJU.
For more information, contact Diane Hankee at dhankee@sju.edu.
Music Ministry
Chapel Choir is open to new members in the beginning of each semester. We are a 4-part SATB choir. No auditions necessary to join. Membership requires a commitment to attend rehearsals on Tuesdays 5-6:30 PM in the Chapel and Sundays beginning at 5:30pm before 7pm Mass. Students must be able to attend BOTH Tuesday and Sunday rehearsals.
To join the Chapel Band, auditions ARE required. All instruments are welcome.. Chapel Band rehearses Thursdays 11am-12pm.
For more information or to set up an audition for the Chapel Band, contact Diane Hankee at dhankee@sju.edu.
Sacramental Preparation

For those who have been baptized in the Catholic faith but have not completed their initiation by receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, the program known as the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) is adapted accordingly. RCIA is a program involving a journey of faith and ongoing conversion in which a person is invited to reflect prayerfully on the beliefs, life, liturgy, and apostolic work of the Catholic Community. The program runs throughout the fall and spring semesters with the reception of the sacrament taking place on the Saturday after Easter.
For more information, please contact Fr. Dan Ruff, SJ at druff@sju.edu or 610-660-1032.
Becoming Catholic

Campus Ministry of St. Joseph's University offers a formation process which culminating in the reception of the sacraments of initiation, which are Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. The program involves a journey of faith and conversion in which a person is introduced to the beliefs, life, liturgy, and apostolic work of the Catholic Community. This program is officially called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). At SJU, it will run throughout the fall and spring semester with the sacraments of initiation being received at Easter.
The RCIA program is designed primarily for those desiring Baptism. However, since Christians who are already baptized in another denomination may be seeking membership in the Catholic Church, the RCIA is adapted to their needs. Finally, the RCIA can also be adapted to the needs of those who have been baptized as Catholics but were unable to complete their initiation as members of the Church and are now seeking the sacrament of Confirmation. Both of these adaptations attempt to meet the needs and desires of each participant.
For more information, please contact Fr. Dan Ruff, SJ, at druff@sju.edu or 610-660-1032.
Interfaith Opportunities
Saint Joseph’s University encourages all its students to further their own spiritual growth and religious faith during their formative collegiate careers. Because it is a university in the Catholic and Jesuit traditions, SJU abides by the principles of religious freedom, encouraging individuals and groups to practice their own faith as they so choose. Campus Ministry programs are open to all members of the SJU community and aim to support every individual’s faith journey and spiritual needs.
In addition to the traditional Catholic activities, such as mass, reconciliation and other Eucharistic adoration, Campus Ministry coordinates weekend retreats, immersion trips, and weekly community service opportunities—which share principles from many faiths. The campus ministers look forward to getting to know and befriending each of you through the many programs and activities we oversee. We hope that, whatever your faith tradition, you may explore how Campus Ministry might help you to grow as a person of faith.
SJU Prays
Each year in January, the university sponsors an interfaith prayer service during which members of various faith traditions share the beauty of their own religious practices. All are encouraged to come and participate in this uplifting community event!
Interfaith Prayer Room
The SJU community is welcome to use the interfaith prayer room for prayer, reflection, and meditation (located on the 2nd floor of Campion Student Center, room 209/207). The room is open during the same hours that Campion is open and it can be accessed by using your SJU ID card after hours. Prayer mats are available for use. Please remove your shoes before entering the room. If additional interfaith prayer space is needed, please contact Campus Ministry at campusministry@sju.edu about reserving space in Wolfington Hall for particular day and times.
Muslim Prayer Room
Whitecar 203
This prayer room is open during building hours. Please remove your shoes before entering the room. The Muslim Prayer Room is available for daily and Friday prayers. For other religious groups seeking prayer space on UCity or Lancaster Campus, please contact us at campusministry@sju.edu.
Muslim Students Association
The MSA seeks to unify and serve the Muslim community at Saint Joseph's University. It provides unity among Muslims, conducts social, cultural, religious, and other such activities in the tradition of Islam; and arranges congregational prayers and Islamic religious festivals. The organization also promotes hospitable relations between Muslim and non-Muslims and works towards sharing Islamic knowledge and character among the student body. Follow on Instagram @sju.msa
Hillel at Saint Joseph's University
Hillel at SJU is the center of Jewish life on campus, helping students connect to the Jewish community and their Jewish identity. Follow at @sjuhillel
Other religious organizations
As a Jesuit University, SJU values religious diversity. If you are interested in forming another religious organization on campus, please contact campusministry@sju.edu and the Office of Student Leadership and Activities at SJU.
Local Places of Worship
- Ardmore United Methodist Church
200 Argyle Road, Ardmore, PA 19003
610-649-4382 - Overbrook Presbyterian Church
6376 City Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19151
215-877-2744 - Church of St. John Episcopal
404 Levering Mill Road, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
610-664-4517 - African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas
6361 Lancaster Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19151
215-473-3065 - Pinn Memorial Baptist Church
2251 N 54th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-878-2742 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
196 Woodbine Ave. Narberth, PA 19072
610-664-5503 - Church of Saint Asaph, Episcopal
27 Conshocken State Road, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
610-664-0966 - West-Side Baptist Church
2416 N 54th St Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-878-1922 - Endtime Zion Church of Jesus Christ
2259 Bryn Mawr Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-473-3993 - International Church of God
1827 N 54th Street Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-877-1555 - Greater Enon Baptist Church
1709 N 52nd St. Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-477-0195 - Gates of Heaven Church
1755 N 57th St. Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-877-7322 - First African Baptist Church
906 Marlyn Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19151
215-735-1050 - Merion Friends Meeting
615 Montgomery Avenue Merion Station, PA 19066
- Ardmore United Methodist Church
- Adath Israel (conservative)
250 N. Highland Ave. Merion Station, PA 19066
610-664-5150 - Lower Merion Synagogue (orthodox)
123 Old Lancaster Road, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
610-664-5626 - Main Line Reform Temple
410 Montgomery Ave. Wynnewood, PA 19096
610-649-7800 - AISH HaTORAH
50 Montgomery Ave. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
610-668-9600 - Beth Hamedrash
200 Haverford Rd. Wynnewood, PA 19096
610-642-6444 - Lubavitch of the Mainline (Chabad Center for Jewish Life)
General Wayne Inn, 625 Montgomery Ave. Merion Station, PA 19066
- Adath Israel (conservative)
- The Mosque of Shaikh M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
5820 Overbrook Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-879-6300 - Masjid Salaam
N 41st St. Philadelphia, PA 19104
215-473-3222 - Masjid Al-Madinah
6800 Ludlow St Upper Darby, PA 19082
610-352-7774 - Philadelphia Masjid Inc
4700 Wyalusing Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-877-2800 - Masjid Al-Jamia
4228 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104
267-275-8087 - The Islamic Center of Ridge Avenue
3112 Ridge Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19121
- The Mosque of Shaikh M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
- Baha’i Center Philadelphia Regional Baha’i Center
2462 Bryn Mawr Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131
- Baha’i Center Philadelphia Regional Baha’i Center
- Radha Krishna Temple
41 W Allen Ln. Philadelphia, PA 19119
215-247-4600 - Samarpan Hindu Temple
6515 Bustleton Ave. Philadelphia PA 19149
- Radha Krishna Temple
- Buddhist Congregational
136 Austin Ave. Lansdowne, PA 19050
610-626-2473 - Lian Sheng Tang Buddha Temple
1539 McKean St. Philadelphia PA 19145
- Buddhist Congregational
- Philadelphia Sikh Society
6706 Garden Court Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082
Please contact Beth Ford McNamee for additional information at emcnamee@sju.edu.
- Philadelphia Sikh Society
Spiritual Direction
Are you looking for ways to grow in your spiritual life or depend your relationship with God? Campus Ministers are available to listen and guide you in your journey of faith. Contact Fr. Dan Ruff at druff@sju.edu.
Spiritual Exercises
The Spiritual Exercises are a collection of prayer forms and meditations developed by St. Ignatius Loyola to assist people in deepening their relationship with God. The traditional form of the Exercises, which all Jesuits take part in during their formation, is experienced as a “long retreat” of about 30 days in silent prayer and conversation with a spiritual director. Many laypeople take part in the Exercises as well – sometimes through the long retreat, but more commonly as a “retreat in daily life.” In this format, the retreatant commits to several months of daily prayer and weekly meetings with a spiritual director.
The Exercises at Saint Joseph's University
After an initial interview, the retreatant will be assigned a spiritual director to guide the exercises. The retreat takes part in a structured period, either of 5 weeks (Fall or Spring semester), or of 24 weeks (usually Fall and Spring semesters), which entails:
- a commitment of a half-hour daily to formal prayer
- keeping a journal recording the prayer experiences
- making the Examen of Consciousness daily
- meeting weekly individually with the director for about half an hour
For more information, contact Dan Joyce, SJ at djoyce@sju.edu.
Prayer Requests
Members of the SJU community and alumni are invited to submit requests for prayer to prayer@sju.edu. Your intentions will be remembered at mass by a member of the Jesuit community.