CLC - Christian Life Communities

What is CLC?
CLCs are weekly small groups of students that commit to growing in faith together. Groups meet to have intentional conversations, explore tools of faith exploration, and leave with friendships that span from what you had for dinner to your image of God. Because CLCs meet consistently, this sacred space provides students with a home on campus to help them through the highs and lows of college life
What is an Affinity CLC?
Affinity CLCs live at the intersection of faith/spirituality and specific identities. Rooted in Ignatian Spirituality, groups meet weekly for conversation, reflection and prayer, taking pause together in sacred space. Please note, not every session is specifically about those intersections, but it provides space for like minded and hearted people to gather at important intersections of identity
Tell Me More
Weekly sessions are 1 hour on weekday afternoons or evenings. Sessions include the following:
- Opening Prayer
- Check-In
- Focus Experience
- Community Announcements
- Closing Prayer
Literally, no. CLC is for anyone who wants to jump in. Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, you are encouraged to join CLC. All participants have a unique spirituality and are invited to come as they are and grow toward who they're called to be.
Fall 2024
- Upperclassmen CLC - Upperclassmen CLC - Tuesday 5:30pm - 6:30pm
- Upperclassmen CLC - Wednesday 8pm - 9pm
- Senior CLC - For All Seniors - Wednesdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm
- Coming Out Spiritually CLC - Thursday 7pm - 8pm
- BIPOC CLC - Tuesday 7:30pm - 8:30pm
- Women's CLC - Tuesday 7pm - 8pm - 9pm
- Men's CLC - Wednesday 7pm - 8pm - 9pm