Academic Department Registration Roadmap
This page includes contact information for each academic department as well as guidance that can help you prepare for registration. Research if departments are using restrictions, reserved seating, etc. that may cause an issue with your planned registration.
If you are having difficulty registering for a course, please consult the Registration Problems Guide and information for each academic department that is included below. If you are seeking an override, contact information and instructions for each academic department are included.
If you have advising questions, please contact your advisor and/or the Advising Office for your major.
College of Arts and Sciences
Department Contact information:
- Chair: Krista Svalbonas (
- Administrative Assistant: Christina Hammond-Heffernan (
Registration Information:
- When searching for classes, remember to search under both ART (studio Art Courses) ARH (Art History courses) GDS (Graphic Design).
Wait Lists & Overrides:
- Email to request an override for an Art or Art History Course. The Art & Art History Department is maintaining waitlists, you may email Christina to be placed on a waitlist for Art, Art History or Graphic Design course.
- Reserved Seating: none
- ART 496: Restricted to Senior ART/GDS majors and minors.
Biology - includes students majoring in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Microbiology, and Medical Laboratory Science
As all Legacy US students will be on the HH campus, both HH and legacy UC campus students will be registering for HH courses. Lancaster students should contact their academic advisors for guidance on their program requirements.
Courses offered through the Lancaster campus are NOT open to ANY HH or Legacy students and no exceptions can be made.
Department Contact information:
- Chair: Dr. Jonathan Fingerut (
- Advising Coordinator: Dr. Shantanu Bhatt (
- Administrative Assistant for HH Campus: Lizanne Konjarvich (
- Administrative Assistant for UC Campus: Rachel Ackerman (
- Director of the Medical Laboratory Science major: Professor Diane Valentin (
General Information
- Rolling caps will be used by the Department on some courses such as BIO 101 and 201 - this means that additional seats in those courses will be made available before each registration period, up to a maximum. Upper division (3XX and 4XX) courses will have their full capacity available from the start.
- Students should ALWAYS put themselves on a wait list if waitlist seats are available. Note, if a student gets a waitlist notification for lecture, they must register for an open lab seat, the system will not allow registration for lecture and a waitlist spot.
- Both Lecture-only and Lecture-Lab courses will be offered for students needing Natural Science GEP courses. The lecture-lab courses will also count towards the Natural Science requirement of the CCC.
- Direct all override requests to the Chair (UC and HH campus) - Dr. Jonathan Fingerut
No one majoring in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Microbiology, Medical Laboratory Science, or any of the programs in the School of the Health Professions, can receive credit for BIO 160, 162 or 165.
BIO 101/101L Cells and Cells Lab
- All BIO 101 lecture and lab sections are restricted to students majoring in certain majors. Please click on the course title in the class schedule to confirm which section is available to which majors.
- BIO 101 D01, D02, D03, D05, D08, AND D09 - Only open to students who ARE majors in HSC, EPH, CSD, UNHS, UNDP, PHSC, PHTX, PHHS, NESC, BCHM or UNSM
BIO 101 D02, D04, AND D10 - Open to students who ARE majors in BIED, BIOL, BIOM, ENVS, CHMB or MLSC
- BIO 101L D02, D03, D04, D06, D07, D08, D09, D10, D12, D13, D15 and D16 - Open to students who ARE majors in HSC, EPH, CSD, UNHS, UNDP, PHSC, PHTX, PHHS, NESC, BCHM or UNSM
- BIO 101L D01, D05, D11, D14, D17 - Open to students who ARE majors in BIED, BIOL, BIOM, ENVS, CHMB or MLSC
Upper Division Courses
- The Group A - E courses (see the course catalog) on the HH campus will be restricted to specific majors that require those courses until rising juniors have registered on April 9th. To view specific restrictions, please click on the course title in the class schedule on the Nest. After April 9th, restrictions on Group A- E courses will be lifted and any students with the pre-reqs can registe
Department Chair: Dr. Preston Moore (
General Registration Information
- The department will utilize rolling caps for the General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry lecture courses and labs. This means that additional seats will be open as registration progresses, but not until all sections are full or nearly full.
- Overrides will not be considered until the under-enrolled sections are at or near the currently set cap. Please register for open sections.
- If you have extraordinary needs and cannot register for any of the open sections because of an unresolvable conflict, please email the Chair, Dr. Preston Moore to discuss your situation.
- University City location - email email Dr. Madhu Mahalingam (
Specific Course Information for Spring 2025
You may also confirm pre-reqs and course restrictions in the class schedule. Click on the class title in your search results for additional information.
Food Chemistry CHM 112/112L All sections Hawk Hill Food Chemistry & Lab Restricted to Food Marketing Majors and Food Marketing Co-ops General Chemistry II CHM 125 D01 (Bentzley) Hawk Hill General Chemistry II (for majors) Open to the following majors only: Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, Chemistry, Undeclared Nat Science. Reserved for freshmen. CHM 125 HN1 Hawk Hill General Chemistry II Restricted to Honors Program Students NOT majoring in Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Chemical Biology CHM 125L D01 (Bentzley) Hawk Hill General Chemistry II lab Open to the following majors only: Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, Chemistry, Undeclared Nat Science. Reserved for freshmen. CHM 125L D02-D11 Hawk Hill General Chemistry II lab Open to all majors except for Chemistry, Biochemistry and Chemical Biology. Organic Chemistry CHM 215 D01
(Forman)Hawk Hill Organic Chemistry II Open to the following majors only: Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, and Chemistry CHM 215 D02-D06 Hawk Hill Organic Chemistry II Open to all majors except for Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Chemical Biology. CHM 215L D10 (Forman) Hawk Hill Organic Chemistry II Lab Open to the following majors only: Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, and Chemistry CHM 215L D01-D08
Hawk Hill Organic Chemistry I lab Open to all majors except for Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Chemical Biology. -
Department Contact Information:
- Chair: Dr. J. Michael Lyons (
- Administrative Assistant: Christina Hammond-Heffernan (
Wait Lists & Overrides: Email either Dr Lyons or Chris to be placed on a waitlist for COM 200 or COM 201 (those waitlists are being maintained by the Department). All other COM courses have electronic waitlists. Dr. Lyons or Chris can also help students with overrides.
Course Information:
Com 200 D01,D02: Will have rolling caps for each registration date.
Com 201 D01: Will have rolling caps for each registration date.
Department of Communication and Media Studies -
Department Contact Information
Chair: Dr. Babak Forouraghi (
Administrative Assistant: Terese Fasy ( request an override for a Computer Science course, please contact the Computer Science department Chair. For all other courses, you need to contact the chairs of the respective departments.
Computer Science course catalog:
Department Contact Information
Program Director: Dr. Rommel Regis ( of Math Department: Dr. Lia Vas (
To request an override into a math or data science class, please contact Dr. Vas
Department Contact Information
Department Chair: Dr. Laura Crispin (
Registration Information:
- The department uses electronic Wait lists. They strongly encourage students to use the wait lists. While the wait list does not guarantee a spot in the course, it makes it much more likely. If overrides are granted, they are granted strictly on the order of the wait list, with the exception of graduating seniors who need a specific course to graduate.
- ECN 101 and 102 will use rolling caps in order to reserve seats for each class year. Contact the Chair if you need to request an override into a closed section of ECN 101 or 102. In most cases, it is not possible to increase the course size due to classroom capacity.
- There are several asynchronous online sections of ECN101 and ECN102 that are for PharmD, USci legacy, and Lancaster Nursing students only. The department cannot override this restriction for students in other programs.
- If you are requesting an override for an upper division course (ECN 301 or above) that is full, please request permission from the instructor and cc the department chair. Instructor approval is necessary to be considered for a spot in a closed course, but does not guarantee that you will get a spot in a closed course.
- If you are requesting an override for an upper division course due to pre-requisite restrictions, please contact the department chair.
- The department uses electronic Wait lists. They strongly encourage students to use the wait lists. While the wait list does not guarantee a spot in the course, it makes it much more likely. If overrides are granted, they are granted strictly on the order of the wait list, with the exception of graduating seniors who need a specific course to graduate.
Department Contact Information
- Dr. Jason Mezey (
- Gregory Spano, Administrative Assistant (
Important notes about Override Requests
- Students requesting overrides should email Gregory Spano, Administrative Assistant ( and Dr. Jason Mezey, Chair (
- Most upper-level courses will utilize electronic waitlists once capacities are full.
- Capacity overrides for English courses are rare. Before students request a capacity override for a course they should first check to see if they can add themselves to an electronic waitlist.
Spring 2025 Course Information
ENG 263 Writing for Organizations OL1 - restricted to USci legacy
Program Director Contact Information:
Dr. John Braverman (
History Department Contact Information
- Department Chair, Dr. Melissa Chakars (
- Administrative Assistant, Erin Penater (
Fall 2025 Registration Guidelines:
- Rolling caps will be used by the Department - this means that additional seats in each course will be made available before each registration period.
- The Department does not use electronic waitlists for any of their courses.
- Once the course is filled to capacity, only extraordinary circumstances (e.g., a specific section is needed in order to graduate) will be considered for a closed course override. Please contact the chair to request an override if you have an extraordinary circumstance.
- HIS 154 Teachout plan (HIS 154 will not be offered again after Spring 2026)
- Four HIS 154 sections offered in Summer 2025
- Six HIS 154 sections offered in Fall 2025
- Five HIS 154 sections offered in Spring 2026 for the final time
Department Contact Information
Program Director: Dr. Jason Powell (
Spring 2025 Honors Courses
Team Taught Honors Options:
Course Title Time Instructor Requirement HON 370 TT Oxford Tutorial: Tech Revolutions MWF 1:50PM Corabi, Powell Phil Anth, Art/Lit, Writ Int ENG 304 TT Global Shakespeare MW 3:20PM Albright, Powell Art/Lit, Div, Writ Int HON 324 TT Russia Global Power MW 12:20PM Chakars, Baglione Soc Sci, International Relations HON 270 TT Creativity TR 11:00AM Flanagan, Talcott Phil Anth, Art/Lit, Writ Int Honors Section Options:
Course Title Time Instructor Requirement CHM 125 General Chemistry II MWF 10:10AM Rao Natural Science ECN 101 Intro to Microeconomics TR 11:00AM Fox Social Science HIS 154 Forging the Modern World TR 2:00PM Close HIS 154 MGT 360 Legal Environment of Business TR 11:00AM Clapp Business Core PHL 154 Moral Foundations T 6:30PM Bulthuis PHL 154 THE 154 Catholic Theological Tradition MWF 1:50PM Krahmer Theological Signature Core THE 350 Beauty of God MWF 1:50PM Sammon Faith/Reason REL 211 Hebrew Bible TR 2:00PM Deluty Reli Diff DSS 220 Business Analytics TR 2:00PM Yi Business Core MGT 495 Management Honors Capstone TR 2:00PM Swift HSB Capstone -
This information is for American Sign Language, French, Italian, Japanese, Latin and Spanish classes. For Linguistics courses, see the Linguistics tab.
Department Contact information
- Dr. Elaine Shenk, Department Chair ( or
Registration Information
- You must register for courses at the language level where you were placed. If you enroll in a course at a level lower than your placement, it will not meet the GEP or CCC requirement and will count as one of your elective courses.
- If you want to change your language, please submit the Language Placement Request form or contact the Department at
- If you are changing your language and you previously studied that language in high school, please check back for the link to taking the language placement test. This will be your first step to registration.
- In fall 2025, GEP language course offerings include:
- ASL 101 (restricted to specific majors), FRE 101, FRE 102, FRE 201, FRE 202, FRE 301, ITA 101, ITA 201, JPN 101, LAT 101, SPA 101, SPA 102, SPA 201, SPA 202, SPA 301, SPA 303
- If your language/level is not available in fall 2025:
- Check back in spring 2026 when we plan to offer:
ASL 101 (restricted to specific majors), ASL 102 (restricted to specific majors), multiple levels of French, ITA 102, ITA 202, JPN 102, LAT 102, and multiple levels of Spanish. - Alternatively, you may select a different language by submitting the Language Placement Request form. If you have previously studied this language, you will complete a placement process.
- Check back in spring 2026 when we plan to offer:
Language Requirement
- The GEP language requirement follows the sequences below, beginning with your numeric placement as listed in DegreeWorks. You must complete both courses listed to finish the GEP requirement:
- 101 + 102
- 102 + 201
- 102+202
- 202 + 301
- 301 (1 course)
- 303 (1 course)
- GEP - German: If you chose German as your language but did not begin the German language sequence in your first year, we will not be offering German classes in AY 2025/26. Please submit the Language Placement Request form to choose a different language to complete your GEP language requirement. If you have previously studied that language in high school, you will complete a placement process.
- The CCC language requirement is based on your language placement as listed in DegreeWorks. You must take the language at the level where you were placed to complete the CCC requirement.
Department Contact Information
Contact the Program Director, Dr. Jennifer Ewald (
Requirements and Course Sequences:
- Linguistics Major
- Linguistics - Speech Pathology Concentration
- Linguistics - TESOL Concentration
- Communication Science and Disorders Major
Department Contact Information
For questions or override requests, please contact the Department Chair, Dr. Lia Vas (
Department Contact Information
- Department Chair: Dr. Elizabeth Morgan (
- Administrative Assistant, Kelly Gomez-Zimmer (
Spring 2025 Registration Information
Courses with rolling caps:
The following courses will have rolling caps for each registration day. This means that additional seats in each course will be made available before each registration period.- MTF 191 D01 Intro to Film
- MTF 283 D01 Series Screenwriting
Courses with reserved seating or restrictions:
- MTF 142 D01 History of Rock and Pop - Certain population of seats reserved for Music majors. Please contact Kelly Gomez-Zimmer at if you would like to be on the waitlist.
- MTF 151 D02 Music Fundamentals - Seniors are restricted from this section.
- MTF 156 D01 Intro to World Music - Certain population of seats reserved for Music majors. Please contact Kelly Gomez-Zimmer at if you would like to be on the waitlist.
- MTF 158 D01 Music History: 1750 to Present - Certain population of seats reserved for Music majors. Please contact Kelly Gomez-Zimmer at if you would like to be on the waitlist.
- MTF 266 D01 Theatre History - This course has a prerequisite, but you can receive an override by emailing Kelly Gomez-Zimmer at
MTF 263 D01, MTF 265 D01, MTF 266 D01, and MTF 267 D01 have electronic waitlists.The Department will maintain paper wait lists for all other courses. To join a waitlist for a class, please contact the Department's Administrative Assistant, Kelly Gomez-Zimmer at Priority for an override is given to MTF majors and minors on the waitlist.
Students who are interested in Music Lessons:
- Students interested in piano or chamber music lessons (MTF 154 D01 and D02, MTF 255 D03 and D04) should contact Dr. Elizabeth Morgan at
- Students interested in guitar lessons (MTF 155 D01) should contact Dr. Cale Hoeflicker at
- Students interested in voice lessons (MTF 153 D01 and D02) should contact Dr. Elizabeth Morgan at
- Students interested in participating in Jazz Band (MTF 255 D02) should contact Mrs. Kelly Gomez-Zimmer at
- Students interested in participating in University Singers (MTF 255 D01) should contact Dr. Rebecca Ostermann at
Neuroscience Department Contact Information:
- Dr. Nikki Sunnen (
Philosophy Department Contact Information:
- Chair of the Department, Dr. Joseph Corabi (
Guidelines for Fall 2025 Registration - Philosophy Courses
The following courses will be restricted to specific groups of students:
- PHL 154 D04 and D05 are reserved for incoming first-year students. In addition, some seats will be reserved in PHL 154 D10, D11, and D13. There may be some seats available to sophomores, juniors, and seniors in those sections on a first-come, first-served basis, but no overrides will be available to any of those sections.
- PHL 260 D01 and D02, PHL 262 D01 and D02, and PHL 310 D01 and D02 are reserved for FY students satisfying CCC requirements. No overrides for GEP students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) will be available for those sections.
- PHL 320 Business, Society, & Ethics D01 and D02 is restricted to Accounting Majors and Philosophy majors and minors.
- PHL 344 A Good Life is a study tour course traveling to Germany. Interested students should contact the Center for International Programs ( or Dr. Jamie Hebbeler (
Registration Policies:
- The Department will not use electronic waitlists.
- Priority for overrides in Philosophy courses that are approved for the Justice, Ethics, and Law (JEL) minor will go to JEL minors and Philosophy majors/minors.
- Online courses are not intended for day GEP or CCC students to satisfy GEP or CCC requirements. A few seats may be available for some of these courses on a first-come, first-served basis, but overrides will not be available for SJU undergraduate day students. USciences legacy students may apply for an override to these courses, but in order to be eligible, USciences Legacy students must contact the department chair during the regular registration window (ending when rising sophomores have their designated registration day in April). Any requests after that point will not be approved.
- The department will waive prerequisites for upper level Philosophy courses for USciences Legacy students. Students may contact the chair or the Advising Center for the prerequisite override.
To request an override into a closed course, please email the Department Chair, Dr. Joseph Corabi ( Please read the above regarding online courses, however. Overrides for SJU day students will not be available for these courses.
Department Contact Information
For questions and override requests, contact the Chair of the Department, Dr. Elia Eschenazi ( Majors and Minors: Please remember (if schedule allows) to register for PHY 390 Physics Seminar (0 credits)
Department Contact Information
- Department Chair: Dr. Kazuya Fukuoka (
- Administrative Assistant: Rifat Mahmud (
Spring 2025 Registration Information
The Department will use restrictions/reserved seating on the following courses. Reserved seating on the introductory level courses will not be lifted until after first-year students register in mid-November.POL 111 Intro to American Politics D01 Staff Some seats are reserved for current POL majors. POL 115 Intro to Global Politics D01 Gioioso, Richard Some seats are reserved for current POL/IR majors and incoming first-year majors. POL 404 Cap: Transforming Conflict D01 Baglione, Lisa Restricted to Senior POL and IR majors.
If you cannot register for a section, most likely the remaining seats are reserved for a specific group of students. You will not be able to register for the open seats until the reserved seating is lifted. If you are a political science or international relations major, please contact your Chair, Dr. Kazuya Fukuoka, for guidance on the override request process.
Program Director Contact Information
- Dr. Lisa Baglione (
Department Contact Information
Students are directed to submit questions/requests to Using this alias will eliminate the need for contacting multiple people in the department. It also will ensure that your question will be answered in a timely fashion. Not using the alias will result in delays in resolving your issue.
The alias goes to Dr. Patrick Garrigan (dept chair) and Dr. Shih (advising coordinator). There is no need to cc’ additional people unless you’re cc’ing your PSY advisor.
For Advising Related Questions
Contact your academic advisor first. For more complicated issues that your advisor asks you to follow up with either Dr. Garrigan or Dr. Shih, please use the email alias.
General Registration Information
The Department will use rolling caps - this means that additional seats in each course may be made available before each registration period. Dr. Shih will provide registration-related updates via Psychology Advising Canvas course’s announcement feature. Please be sure you have notifications turned on in Canvas.
PSY 120 Lifespan Development is restricted to Exercise Physiology & Health Science majors.
For PSY Majors needing an override
Overrides can be requested, if needed, using this Request Form for Majors.
Special Instructions for Psychology Minors
- Select 200-level courses in the PSY 220-270 range will be open to Psychology minors; however, you will need to request a major-restriction override. Overrides can be requested using this Request Form for Minors.
- Psychology minors will be able to register freely for open in-person sections of 100-level courses as well as PSY 201, 205, and 208.
Department Contact Information
Students are directed to submit questions/requests to the Chair, Dr. Keith Brown ( Dr. Brown will filter through any advising questions/concerns.
For Advising Related Questions
Contact your academic advisor first. For more complicated issues that your advisor asks you to follow up with Dr. Brown, please contact him at
Course information
SOC 170 is a unique, one-credit course designed to help SOC and CJ majors excel at SJU and beyond. The course will expose students to more opportunities at SJU and help students think about meaningful career in their post-SJU life.
The Department will use reserved seating and rolling caps for certain courses.
Department Contact Information
Department Chair, Dr. Paul Aspan ( for Fall 2025 Registration - Theology & Religious Studies Courses
- All Theology & Religious Studies Courses will utilize an electronic waitlist. If you want a seat in a closed class, you must join the waitlist.
- Do not ask to join a waitlist that is filled to capacity. Monitor it regularly for waitlist openings.
- Capacity overrides normally will NOT be considered due to fire code regulations concerning classroom capacity.
- If a capacity override is possible, priority will be given to students who are on the waitlist - in the order in which they joined the waitlist.
- Accelerated 7-week online courses are restricted to students in the Adult Learner Program.
Expanded options for the GEP Theology “Encountering the Catholic Tradition” Signature Core Requirement
Students may complete any of these three courses to meet the Theology Signature Core requirement:
THE 153: Encountering the New Testament
THE 154: Catholic Theological Tradition
THE 155: Catholic Social Tradition
Click here for course descriptions.Requirements and Course Sequences:
Haub School of Business
Department Contact Information
Please contact the Chair, Dr. Rajneesh Sharma (
The department will utilize rolling caps for seats in ACC 102.
Actuarial Science is housed under the Finance Department
Finance Department Chair: Dr. Morris Danielson (
For Advising-related questions, please contact the Program Director, Professor Jack Whitaker (
Department Contact Information
Please contact the Chair, Dr. Miori (
Course Notes for Fall 2025:
DSS 200 D01-D04
Intro to Information Systems
Open only to fall 2024 cohort (sophomores)
DSS 200 D05-D07, D09
Intro to Information Systems
Open to all students
DSS 210 D09-D12, D14
Business Statistics
Open only to fall 2024 cohort (sophomores)
DSS 210 D01-D08, D13
Business Statistics
Open to all students
DSS 210 HN1 Business Statistics
Open to all honors students AND to students with a GPA of 3.5 or greater
Students will not be considered for an override into a section of DSS 200, DSS 210 or DSS 220 that does not match their class year.
Department Contact Information
If you have questions, please contact the Chair, Dr. Eric Patton (
Course Notes for Spring 2025:
MGT 110 D01-D06 Essent'ls of Organizational Beh Open only to students in the Fall 2024 admit cohort (i.e., first-year students) MGT 110 D07 Essent'ls of Organizational Beh Open to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors MGT 110 LO1 Essent'ls of Organizational Beh Restricted to Lancaster students MGT 120 D01 Essentials of Management Open to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors MGT 211 D01 Perspectives on Leadership Restricted to Lancaster students Only students graduating at the end of the Spring 2025 semester will be considered for an override into BUS 495 Business Strategy and MGT 360 Legal Environment of Business.
Course Renumbering:
Please keep in mind that all courses previously using the FBE, LEO, and MHC prefixes are now listed as MGT vourses. Particularly, see the following chart:
Old course number New course number Course title FBE 230 MGT 230 Intro: Entrepreneur/New Venture LEO 210 MGT 210 Business, Stakeholders, and Ethics LEO 211 MGT 211 Perspectives on Leadership LEO 212 MGT 212 Organizational Sustainability LEO 495 MGT 415 Applied Sustainable Leadership MHC 220 MGT 220 Intro to HR Management MHC 221 MGT 221 Diversity in the Workplace MHC 495 MGT 425 Managing HR: Research & Application -
Department Contact Information
Please contact the Chair, Dr. Chan Yoo (
MKT 201 D01-D06, OL1 Principles of Marketing Open only to sophomores and above MKT 304 D01, D02 Principles of Selling Open to any majors MKT 308 D01 Marketing Analytics Open to any majors (Counts towards MKT elective) MKT 351 D01, D02 Business of Sports Open to any majors (Diversity overlay)
School of Education and Human Development
Department Contact Information
Department Chair: Dr. Samantha Riggleman (
Admin for Student Success: Ms. Aliya Bland (
Questions related to ABA Courses and the Autism and Behavioral Studies Major:Contact the Chair of Special Education, Dr. Samantha Riggleman (, Program Coordinator for Autism & Behavioral Studies.
Questions abut Special Education Courses:
Contact the Chair of Special Education, Dr. Samantha Riggleman (
For graduate special education courses, contact the Special Education Graduate Program Director, Dr. Jim Johnson (
Department Contact Information
Department Chair: Dr. Janine Firmender (
Administrative Assistant: Anglean Sampson (
Department of Teacher Education Department Registration Information for Fall 2025:
Education majors - If you are having difficulty with registration, please contact your faculty advisor. Provide your full name, student ID, course CRN, and your registration PIN. If you are not an education major or are having difficulty contacting your advisor, you may also contact the Department Chair, Dr. Janine Firmender ( or Anglean Sampson (
For additional advising information, please see the Undergraduate Teacher Education Advising Site in Canvas.
- Education courses are restricted to students enrolled in Teacher Education Programs. Please click on the course title or CRN to see specific restrictions for each course.
For most EDU and SPE courses, field experience is required each week in addition to class time. You must register for the correct section of EDU 999:
- Section D01 (T, 8:30 am - 11:30 am) - Incoming First-Year Students Only
Section D02 (TH, 8:30 am - 11:30 am) - Incoming First-Year Students Only - Section D03 (T, 8:30 am - 11:30 am) - Current First-Years Only (next year’s Sophomores)
- Section D04 (TH, 8:30 am - 11:30 am) - Current First-Years Only (next year’s Sophomores)
- Section D05 (M, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm) - Current Sophomores/Juniors (next year’s Juniors/Seniors)
- Section D06 (W, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm) - Current Sophomores/Juniors (next year’s Juniors/Seniors)
- Section D07 (F, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm) - Current Sophomores/Juniors (next year’s Juniors/Seniors)
- Section D08 (Time TBD) - NCAA Athletes (only if they have course/practice conflicts with the field time for their year)
- Section D09 (Time TBD) - Current First-Years (next year’s Sophomores) with course conflicts (this should be very rare and will require an override)
- Section D10 (Time TBD) - Current Sophomores/Juniors (next year’s Juniors/Seniors) with course conflicts (this should be very rare and will require an override)
- Section D11 (Time TBD) - Incoming First-years with course conflicts (this should be very rare and will require an override)
- Section D01 (T, 8:30 am - 11:30 am) - Incoming First-Year Students Only
Required Clearances - In order to participate in Field Experiences (any course with "field" in the title), all students (whether Education majors or minors or non-Education majors) must have the required background clearances uploaded to EXXAT before classes begin. For questions and information about clearances or EXXAT, please contact Dr. Rich Levy ( The required clearances are:
- Pennsylvania State Criminal History Record (Act 34)
- Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance (Act 51)
- Federal FBI Criminal History Report
- Proof of Tuberculin Skin Test
DegreeWorks - Before registration, please check DegreeWorks to ensure all listed courses align with your curriculum advising sheet.
School of Health Professions
Department Contact Information
Health Science Department Chair: Dr. Eileen Sullivan (
Exercise Physiology Program Director: Dr. Patrick Davitt (
For advising related questions:
- HH Health Science majors and all general advising questions: Dr. Eileen Sullivan (
- USCI Legacy HSC majors: Dr. Karin Richards (
- Health Science Pre-PA Pathway majors: Dr. Sinclair Smith (
- Exercise Physiology majors: Dr. Patrick Davitt (
For a list of Advising Sessions for HSC and EPH students, please see the Health Science Department Advising Site in Canvas.
Spring 2025 Course Information
Course Section Restriction HSC 110 Intro to Health ProfPractice All sections Restricted to declared Health Science majors and minors until after November 14th. HSC 253 Nutrition: Health & Disease D01 & D02 Restricted to Hawk Hill Nursing majors. HSC 253 Nutrition: Health & Disease OL1 & OL2 Restricted to Lancaster Nursing majors. HSC 253 Nutrition: Health & Disease OL3 & OL4 Restricted to declared Health Sciences & Exercise Physiology majors and minors. HSC 331 Health Sciences Research D01 Restricted to Seniors BIO 219, EPH 360, or HSC 253 are all considered to be equivalent. Students cannot earn credit for more than one of these courses.
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
Department Chair: Dr. Isabelle Mercier (